Fostering fun competitions at work enlivens the spirit of the workplace. It creates an environment where employees have fun and where production is boosted.
To add to the merriment, employers can easily create a DIY trophy at home that’s uniquely outfitted for their business and the contest.
And, no, it won’t look shoddy in the least. At least, not with our tips.
Here, we’ll show you six methods to create the most unique and fun trophies for the workplace from the comfort of your home.
Why Bother?
Friendly contests can increase productivity and feelings of worth in businesses. Supervisors should aim for team contests to avoid any negative feelings that may ensue from competition among individuals. Doing so promotes cooperation and a team spirit, two factors that are integral to a business’s success.
However, silly contests created to instill humor not only make employers more approachable, but they also diffuse any built-up stress from the real stuff. It puts workers at ease and lets them know that laughter needn’t be reserved for their time at home.
Finally, the very act of creating a trophy says more than you can imagine. You took the time to make something for an employee. This demonstrates how much you value them.
Even if you choose to have a trophy custom made through another business, such as Trophies Plus Medals or other popular manufacturers, employees will still feel appreciated.
A Quick Word About Logos
Having your logo taken out into the world on a trophy is an excellent form of marketing. It’s a definite topic for conversation as soon as someone from beyond the company sees it sitting on a mantel or desk.
For DIY projects, consider having a company print your logo on bumper-sticker paper or other material. Not only will you have a quality look and easy application, but the price per sheet is extremely reasonable.
You can also have your logo engraved if you choose to go all-out; after all, it’s an excellent way to ensure it will remain on the trophy forever.
Otherwise, consider using your personal printer to print the logo on sticky matte paper. You’ll be needing it to create every trophy.
Six Ways to Create a DIY Trophy
These methods are convenient for a number of reasons, but mostly because your time is valuable as a manager. Therefore, we’ve selected some of the easiest and quickest ways to create a trophy–without sacrificing its appearance.
1. Disposable Cups and Plates
Chances are you have some plastic cups and plates in the kitchen cupboard somewhere. Rustle them up to create an easy and inexpensive company trophy.
What you’ll need:
- Disposable cups and plates
- Hot glue gun
- Metallic spray paint
- Various toys or items
Create a pedestal or the body of your trophy by placing the cups and plates together however you like. Use your hot glue gun to keep them firmly in place.
Next, place the item you want to be on top and glue it down. Visit your local dollar store for this or take a stroll down the dollar aisle. You’ll be surprised at how many toys you can use as toppers.
Once your soon-to-be trophy dries, take it outside for some spray painting. Metallic colors and paint/primer combinations are the best and easiest way to give the product a finished, authentic look.
Slap on your logo and consider it a job well done.
2. Kitchenware
If you’d like to be super authentic, you can always purchase real glassware to use as a trophy, but be sure to notify your winners!
Use the same method as above, but be sure to substitute the glue and spray paint for glass-appropriate adhesive and paint.
3. Cans and Candlesticks
Hit up your local Goodwill or thrift store for some likely-looking candlesticks, and save those tin cans.
What you’ll need:
- Candlestick
- Tin can
- Glue gun
- E-6000 glue
- Primer
- Metallic spray paint
Glue the tin can to the candlestick. If you have any other trinkets you would like to add to the trophy, glue them on.
Apply primer to the trophy, then the spray paint. Add on your label and your trophy is finished. Simple and easy.
4. Wooden Objects
Find any wooden objects that could be used for a trophy’s base. Watch them transform.
What you’ll need:
- Wooden object, preferably rectangular
- Stick-on felt
- Wood glue
- Spray lacquer
- Epoxy
- Masking tape
- Any items for the top
- Stickers or adhesive nameplates
Apply spray lacquer to the wood if you would like to give it a glossy finish. Let it dry.
Using the base of the wooden stand, cut a piece of felt to apply to the bottom of the stand.
Saw the top of the wooden stand to bare wood, then mask off the rest of the wood. Spray the lacquer onto the top.
After it dries, add whatever item you desire to the top and set it with epoxy glue. Add your logo and any other nameplates you would like, and you’ll have a beautiful trophy.
5. Plastic Bottles
Do you like recycling? If so, you may be surprised to learn you can turn those old plastic bottles into a killer trophy.
What you’ll need:
- A plastic bottle
- A nail
- Pipe cleaners
- Low-temperature glue gun
- Spray paint
- Scissors
- Matboard
Cut the bottom of the plastic bottle off. Using a nail, insert two holes near the cut portion of the larger piece. Twist your pipe cleaners to look like the handles of the trophy. Have one portion twisted to insert into the hole, which will keep the handles in place.
Add both handles.
Cut out a circular piece of matboard to fit the original bottom of the plastic bottle. Adhere it to the opening of the piece. After it dries, glue the curved end of the original bottom to the mouth to create a base. Apply spray paint and any labels.
Recycling and rewarding; that’s what business is all about.
6. Plaques
When we think of “trophies,” we forget about the fancy plaques that are handed out for many awards. However, these are a type of trophy, too, and they’re a classy way to get your logo out there.
What you’ll need:
- Flat or beveled finished wood
- Sponge brush
- A photo and your logo
- Mod Podge
Print off the image you would like to be on the plaque. Apply Mod Podge to the back of the print-off and center it on the wood.
After it dries, apply the Mod Podge to the top of the entire thing, including your image. It will secure the photo in place.
Create Your Logo and Images
Not only is a DIY trophy fun to make, but these six methods are easy ways to show your employees you care.
If you’re ready to transform your logo or take things up a notch for your trophies, we’re here to help. Use our online logo maker to add some pizazz to your logo or dream up new ideas.
After all, what’s work without a little fun?
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