Does your window company need a new logo? Maybe. But maybe not. This is a big and drastic undertaking and should never be taken lightly. You should never shake things up for the sake of shaking things up.
But a new logo and rebrand certainly does have its time and place. And a lot of companies have found new success after a new logo.
So is it right for you? Keep reading to find out.
We’re Not All Pepsi
Listen, we would all love to have Pepsi’s marketing dollars and fan base, so we could pull off a full rebrand every couple of years. Take a look at their many logos over the years.
But here’s the thing. Constant re-brands is a part of their brand. Some time ago, they decided to differentiate themselves from Coke by establishing Pepsi as the younger and edgier brand.
Coke was to be the American institution, and Pepsi wanted to be it’s younger and wilder sibling.
But Pepsi is Pepsi and has billions of marketing dollars at their disposal to spread the word of their rebrand, and change the logo on a billion cans. None of us are Pepsi.
As a window company, it’s highly unlikely your brand or position is young, hip, and edgy. So, a new logo every 5 years for you is only going to cause you to water down your branding.
When is it Not Time for a New Logo
There is always the, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it mentality.” So should you stick with your original logo? Here are some situations where the answer is probably yes.
1. Your sales are stagnant:
It’s really easy to scapegoat your brand when your sales are underperforming. But it’s actually rarely to blame.
Your brand could be the problem, but it takes a lot of research to determine if your brand is failing, or your brand execution is failing. Too many people assume it’s the former.
This is particularly true of new brands. Some people will pull the plug on a new logo, and switch back to the old one after only about a year. Or even worse, they will pay money to have a new-new logo designed.
You need to give a new brand time to ripen and mature. And you need to give yourself enough time to promote it and incorporate it.
Marketwire is an example of this. As a global leader in press release distribution, they rebranded in 2012, to reflect a move to doing more than press releases and rolled out a new logo and a new tagline “Beyond Words.” It was well received.
But then, a year later, they rolled out another rebrand, another logo and inexplicably added a “D” to their name to become Marketwired. This was almost universally met with head-scratching and was seen as a big step back.
2. Your logo is already popular
Let’s not forget what happened to the Gap. In 2010, they decided to change up their already-iconic logo. The new logo was fine and actually looked good. But the existing logo was so beloved by customers there was an uproar.
In the end, The Gap had to go back to the “old” logo in a matter of days.
if your window company already has a logo that people like and recognize, there is probably no reason to change it up, unless, one of the situations in the next section apply to you.
When is a Good Time to Change Your Logo
Here are the situations when a new logo is appropriate and could really help your window company.
1. Your offering has changed
Maybe you’re a window company that is expanding into blinds and patio doors. If you feel your logo is a little to windows-only, you could rebrand and launch a new logo that doesn’t pigeonhole you as much to one offering.
2. You’re attacking a new market
Let’s say someone like Blinds and Design decided they were going to target just home builders and interior designers. That would be a serious shift from business-to-customer to business-to-business, so that could necessitate a new logo.
You will have a new target market, so you may need a new logo that will better resonate with your new audience.
That being said, you’re going to need more than a new logo. You’re going to need new messaging and a total re-brand as well. Too many people think a new logo is a rebrand. It’s actually far more complex than that.
3. A merger or new acquisition
This one is a no-brainer. If you acquire, get acquired by, or merge with another company, it’s time for a new logo.
You will need a new logo to combine the elements of multiple brands coming together as one. The mentality here is always “It’s a new day. It’s a new company. Stronger, yet still united.”
4. You didn’t put much thought into your logo the first time
You’re a startup who just feels the need to have “something” to stick on your website and letterhead.
But over time, your business grows and matures and your logo that never really meant anything is becoming more meaningless.
Now you have the time and resources to create a logo that actually means something to you and your target audience. So take advantage of your chance to do things right the second time.
Ready to Create a New Logo for Your Window Company?
We have been the go-to-choice for new logos for over 2 million brands worldwide! And we can help you create a logo you and your customers will fall in love with.
Let us show you how to create an amazing logo design for your brand. Right now. For free! You can start by clicking here to create your account.
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