You realize that your financial service firm is not cut from the same cloth as your competition. You are different — and for all of the right reasons. So, shouldn’t you create a logo that makes you stand out accordingly?
Your brand logo helps you to build credibility and create recognition, so how you design your logo isn’t something you should take lightly.
The trick with creating a logo is that you want your firm’s logo to be memorable. But it also needs to be appropriate and simple.
In other words, creativity does have its limits when it comes to financial logo design.
If you’re looking to improve the brand image of your financial services firm, here are some financial logo ideas to inspire you.
Let’s dig in!
Promote Stability in Your Financial Logo
The logo you create for your financial service firm should represent your brand well. For this reason, stability is one of the most critical traits that your logo should exude.
Your customers entrust their business profits or life savings to you. In addition, they trust you with their data (which is why using a data management solutions provider like Umlaut is a good idea). Because your customers place so much trust in you, they have to ensure that your firm has the stability necessary to fulfill your promise to them of keeping their assets safe.
This is why you should use symbolism representing firmness, strength, and longevity to make your firm’s logo.
Promote Professionalism
In addition to making your company appear strong, your logo should make you look professional.
Modern bankers are now accepting the idea of incorporating colors into their brand logos. However, your symbols and images should still look sophisticated.
Let’s take a look at a few examples of financial service firm logs that illustrate both stability and professionalism.
Deutsche Bank Example
First up is Deutsche Bank. The bank’s logo is essentially a white square outlined in blue and with a blue rising line inside it.
This company’s logo, designed by Anthony Stankowsky in the 1970s, stands out because it is striking yet simple, representing sustainability, stable growth, and financial gain. It’s the type of logo that generates recognition.
Note that squares are often used in the banking industry to build stability and trust, as they represent a controlled and secure environment. Also, the bank logo’s rising line surrounded by the square symbolizes financial gain and stable growth.
TD Bank, N.A. Example
This famous bank’s logo is basically a light-green square with the dark green letters “TD” inside of it, followed by a dark-green “Bank” after it on a white background.
The square represents a settlement, enclosure, or home idea and thus symbolizes stability. Meanwhile, the green color symbolizes money and vitality. And the ligature symbolizes coherence and connection.
Incorporating these types of elements into your firm’s logo design can help you to draw clients and keep them long term.
How We Can Help
We are a leading online logo maker, offering the tools you need to create high-quality logos without spending a lot of money and time doing so.
With our tool, you can simply add text, add a symbol and upload an image to produce a logo.
Get in touch with us to find out more about our services and how we can help you to create the perfect financial logo for your financial service firm in 2019.