Have you noticed that retro logo design is making a comeback? Even the most modern, hi-tech companies are making the switch – and there’s a good reason why.
Your logo is one of the most important aspects of your branding, yet so many organizations get it wrong. Often, it’s a case of trying to be too clever – or treating the logo as an afterthought.
Your logo is the first impression of your business. It identifies you and should be representative of your product. Look at Coca-Cola or McDonald’s. They are so well known, people know at once what they mean.
What Does Your Logo Say?
Your logo needs to say ‘trust‘, ‘quality’ and ‘reliability’ – the principles needed to grow a strong brand. And it seems ‘trust’ and ‘nostalgia’ can go hand-in-hand.
People talk about the ‘good old days, and how products ‘used to be better made’. There seems to be an inbuilt trust factor. So it only makes sense to buy into that when designing your logo.
The big players already know that. Take Kodak. Last year the company brought back a modified version of its 1971 logo. They said it was about reinforcing the brand’s integrity.
Retro Logo Design Making A Comeback
Another example is Tesla Motors. The company was only formed in 2003, yet the logo is like the Bauhaus designs of the 20s.
If you thought retro logo design only worked for old-fashioned products, you’d be wrong. It will work for most products and services, including new housing.
Remember how your logo should say ‘trust’? You can add to that safety, protection, security – everything a home can give you. So using retro logo design for housing is a great fit.
Flashback To The Past
Not only that, but you can use a symbolic building to great effect in your logo. Something Ronald McDonald House Charities realized when they revamped their logo.
The thought of a roof over their head is comforting to most people. Let’s say a couple was looking for new homes Gold Coast. A retro logo design might remind them of childhood holidays in this seaside paradise. It’s all about nostalgia. It takes us back to simpler times – like ice-creams on the beach and backyard cricket.
Many new housing providers have emerged over recent times, some good, some bad. For those established many years ago, it’s important to have a point of difference.
Buyers Want Quality, Value
If you were looking at a new home, you would want to be sure you were dealing with a reputable company. You want to know that you’re getting quality craftsmanship and value.
Buying a home is a major investment – one of the biggest you’ll ever make. It’s also about putting a secure roof over your family’s head.
The builder or developer wants to send that message through their branding. They need a logo that is recognizable, simple yet effective. And often the solution is ‘less is more’.
Do they appear to put their time and energy into flash logos? Or do they concentrate on the business at hand – designing your perfect home?
Send the wrong message and it could be a deal-breaker!
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