If a picture is worth 1000 words, a logo is worth so much more.
Having a good logo can make or break your business. And there is much more that goes into a logo than just a fancy typescript or catchy design.
Choosing the right color is one of the biggest decisions in the logo design process
Red is one of the most famous logo colors in the world, whether a logo is all red or is coordinated with another color.
Some of the most iconic brands in history are known for the bright red logos.
Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Youtube (and a TON of others) have become synonymous with their logos.
Find out here what having a red logo will mean for your business.
Eye Popping Red Logos
Red is one of the most eye popping colors there is on the color spectrum.
With a red logo, you are guaranteed to catch the eye of many potential customers.
Red will automatically attract a person’s eye to the picture or cause them to do a double take.
Because red is so eye popping it will stand out against any color the logo happens to be placed next to.
Choosing to go with red for your logo will definitely help you stay in the minds of any prospective customers.
That same eye popping quality that a red logo has will also give the logo a sense of boldness.
Red has also long been known to symbolise love. The combination of love and boldness will give a red logo a feeling of passion and emotion.
That love and boldness will invoke a trust between the consumer and the company.
The boldness that a red logo brings will come along with a feeling of excitement from the consumer.
They will see a company’s logo and feel adventurous and will be drawn to the company by adrenaline and will want to feed their adventurous side
Having a red logo means portraying an image of being energetic and active.
In customers’ eyes and mind seeing red as a symbol of a business means they can assume an intense and upbeat business.
Fire is almost always depicted in a shade of red. When people think fire, they think red and it goes for the opposite.
When people think red, fire will be one of the first things to come to mind. So the same characteristics of fire – intensity, energy, enthusiasm – will be applied to your red logo whenever someone sees it.
Red is a loud, strong color so if you want to be a loud, strong company, you will definitely want to utilize red in your logo.
A lot about a company is said by the color of their logo.
Before going out and immediately applying all the red you can find to your company’s new logo, first think about what your business is selling and the personality of your business.
If you are in the finance world or want to project a sense of calm and tranquility, then you will want to steer clear of using a red logo.
However, if you are in the entertainment business or especially the food business, red is a great color to put in your logo.
Likewise, if your company is fun, vibrant, and full of energy having a red logo will show your customers just that.
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