A picture says a thousand words.
Maybe your logo isn’t saying the right ones. A logo redesign could be in the future.
So how does a business know when it’s that time?
What should a logo say about a business?
Here are some answers and tips that should help anyone who’s thinking it might be time for a new logo.
Logo Redesign And the Company Brand
Businesses, at least ones that plan on sticking around for a while, don’t stay the same over the course of decades.
They evolve.
Their brands, mission, and products change for the better. Their logo should be no different.
Just like the rest of a business, the logo should still maintain a similar integrity of the previous one. What are the best parts of the old logo?
Keeping them as part of the new one shows that even during a rebrand, a company knows to remember the best parts of its old self.
What does the company brand represent?
KISS the New Logo Hello
Keep the logo simple and to the point.
However, that doesn’t mean that this is going to be easy. There are several things to consider.
The color and font should speak clearly to the target demographic. For a B2B business logo, go for something that is both classy and bold. Use colors like black and blues as they symbolize sophistication and success.
A business such as this would probably go with a square logo to symbolize professionalism and security.
The font of this type of business should be clear and straightforward. No calligraphy or other wispy fonts.
This is just one example of factors that should be taken into account for a logo redesign.
How to Know When It’s Time
If a company is on the fence about a possible logo redesign, there’s plenty of questions that need to be answered.
- Does the company have a new audience or are they looking to bring in a younger one? Every generation has things they like and don’t like in a logo.
- How has the business changed? Larger? Greener? Say this in the logo. Be proud of everything that the company has become.
- How old is the current logo? Companies like Pepsi and At&T have both updated their archaic designs in the last several years. If these corporate giants are doing it, then there’s definitely something behind the move. Companies like this don’t make these kinds of changes for no reason.
Is the business ready for the future?
A new logo says just that, so it’s imperative that it’s the type of design that will keep everyone happy for years to come.
This small picture is a company’s number one promotional and marketing tool. It has to say everything that needs to be said.
In business, more than anywhere else, the first impression is everything. While some businesses have in-house graphic designers that can handle a logo redesign, most don’t and would rather leave this work up to professionals.
Contact us today to find out how we can help get you started with a new logo.
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