No doubt, man has made a lot of giant strides since the beginning of his existence on planet earth. He has been able to survive several periods including the Dark, Stone, Iron and Jet Ages. Now, he voyages
in the Information Age—Man is a great survivor.
But imagine a world without patriots! They are loyalists—men and women, boys and girls who love humanity and stand by proper ideals and great innovations. We’ve known patriotism to be a person’s love for his nation but it goes beyond that. “The world is my country…”, said Thomas Paine. Hence there are men and women who through innovation, sacrifice (of possessions and their own lives) are actually world patriots.
To be factual, there are unsung patriots who have defied the odds inthe little corner of the world where they have found themselves. They were change agents and many of those tiny seeds they have sown have become great oaks under which nations now find rest. However, there are those that are well known—men that made us fly, gave the world electricity, stopped the slave trades and did several exploits that have made the whole world indebted to them.
But great patriots are not without logos—symbols that inspired them to forge on in spite of severe criticisms and persecution. Either created or adopted; physical or intangible they were driving forces. Symbols of nations, communities and great causes keep inspiring several patriots across the globe. It is a matter of “never give up”until we achieve a better world.
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