Channel Questions: What Are Channel Letters on Signs?
Posted on January 15, 2022 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks
If you’re looking into signage for your business, you’re likely hoping to find something that will make your brand or company stand out.
One of the most popular options when it comes to eye-catching signage is channel letters.
These are 3D signs made of metal or plastic that can be customized to fit the color, font, and size that you need (and the channel “letters” don’t only mean lettering, but numbers and symbols, too).
What makes them most companies’ top choice is that they can be lit, helping your business capture people’s attention no matter the time of day while giving off a professional look.
But what are the different types of channel letter signage? And which one is best for your business?
We’ve got the answers.
Front-Lit Channel Letters
Front-lit, or face-illuminated, channel letters are the classic standard channel letter option. These are the signs you see most often when passing businesses on the street.
Front-lit channel letters are lit from within, so the light shines through the front (or the face) of the acrylic letters. LED channel letters are the best option for lighting as the LEDs last a long time and don’t break the bank.
If you go with front-lit channel letters, you’ll have the most options. These can be designed in almost any color or font you might want. The wider the font and bigger the letter, the more visible they’ll be to potential customers.
Back-Lit Channel Letters
These are also called halo or reverse channel letters.
With halo-lit channel letters, the metal lettering is backlit so it looks like the wording is floating. When lit up at night, back-lit signage has lettering that looks black with a bright glow of color around the edges.
If you want your sign to look unique or give off a softer vibe, back-lit channel letters are a great choice. These are also customizable with lots of color and size options.
Combination-Lit Channel Letters
Do both front-lit and back-lit channel letters sound good to you? Luckily, you can combine the two.
Combination-lit or front/back-lit channel letters let you use both options to create the perfect signage for your business.
You might split your wording up so that half is back-lit and the other half is front-lit, or create a sign with front-lit words and a back-lit symbol. The options are endless!
Choose Channel Letters That Outshine All Others
The main thing to keep in mind when deciding which type of channel letters would be best for your business is ensuring your choice aligns with your business’s brand and tone.
But don’t forget to think about the physical building too. Choose whichever option looks best on your business’s exterior and decide how you’ll hang the signage (there are options here, like a raceway mount, direct mount, or backer mount) with this in mind too.
Channel letters are popular for a reason. With so many varieties and fun options available, your business is sure to catch everyone’s attention.
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How Memorialization Can Help You With the Grieving Process
Posted on November 19, 2021 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks
Did you know that the Gateway Arch in the United States of America is one of the largest examples of memorialization in the history of memorials? There are many things to consider when you start to wonder about what makes a good memorial. Memorials provide a ton of benefits for those that are going through the process of grieving for lost loved ones.
The help with the grieving is important to remember when it comes to a memorialization request. Knowing why are memorials important will help you know what it means to people when you move forward with creating a memorial.
The good news is that you’re in the perfect place to learn more about the benefits that memorials provide to people who are grieving. Keep reading this article to learn more.
A Central Location to Visit
One of the best explanations for the importance of memorials is that it gives you a central place to grieve for lost ones and show your appreciation for the lives that they lived. Memorials are great because they work well for loved ones that are buried as well as those that prefer to get cremated.
Building a memorial is a great way to celebrate the life of a loved one with your family and friends. If you’re wanting to get a memorial for a loved one then you should look at getting a wholesale monument.
Puts the Focus on Positive Things
Another great way that memorialization helps those that are grieving is that it focuses on the positive things in that person’s life. It is normal to feel negative feelings after someone you love passes away. Memorialization helps you to remember your favorite things about that person and your favorite memories that you got to create with them.
Think about the things that made your loved one unique when you’re trying to pick out the perfect memorial for them. This is a great way to represent the life that they lived and to show the things that made them special.
Memorialization Brings People Together
Memorialization is also great for helping to bring friends and family together after the passing of a loved one. Getting together with people that you’re close to allows for communication and sharing your feelings with others. It is normal for people to go back to their daily lives after the funeral and memorial event passes but a memorial will bring people back each year.
This is a huge help when it comes to navigating the grieving process because it gives you people to lean on that loved and appreciated your loved one.
Consider Memorialization for Your Loved One
Memorialization is a wonderful way to remember that special someone that has passed away. It provides a way to focus on the positive things in that person’s life and the great memories and experiences that you got to share together. It is also a great way to bring people together in remembrance of your loved one.
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7 Marketing Tips For Your Auto Repair Shop
Posted on October 20, 2021 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks
There are about 300 million vehicles on the road in the U.S. Close to 81 million of these cars and trucks are over 16 years old.
What that means for your car repair shop is opportunity. Think of all of the cars on the road that will break down and need service.
Marketing is the key to reach those potential customers. Learn the latest marketing tips, and you’ll have to hire more people. It’s how you’ll grow and scale into multiple locations.
Marketing is often the hardest thing to get right. There are many moving pieces in an effective marketing strategy, much like the moving parts of a car.
Read on to learn how to create a marketing plan that gets results with these tips and tricks.
1. Differentiate Your Business
Why would someone go to your car repair shop as opposed to your competitors? This is the most essential marketing question that you have to answer.
This is the basis of your value proposition or unique selling proposition (USP). You explain what you do, who you do it for, and why your business is so great that people can’t miss it.
To come up with a good USP, you need to understand your competition and how they position themselves. Knowing the target market is another important part of the USP.
2. Set Up Your Website
This is a digital world, and your website will serve as the centerpiece of all online marketing efforts. Your website has to reflect your USP and build credibility and trust.
You’ll want your site to appear in search engines. Turn your attention to site speed, mobile friendliness, security, and keywords.
Updating your website often with fresh content is another way to help build trust with visitors and search engines.
3. Educate With Content
Your potential customers might try to learn about their car before they take it in for repair. People will look for ways to diagnose car problems online.
They’ll look up “diagnose AC car problems” and “diagnose car overheating.” These are questions that people want answers to.
You can show your expertise and build trust with people by answering those questions. Create helpful content for your target audience and they’ll become loyal customers.
4. Repurpose Content to Expand Reach
The problem with social media is that there are too many options. It’s hard to create content for five different channels daily.
You don’t need to create fresh content every single time that you post something. You’d spend all of your time creating content.
Create a marketing strategy that allows you to post the same content to different marketing channels.
Here’s an example of how it works. Create an educational video for YouTube that shows someone how to check their car for leaks.
You can transcribe that video and use that as a blog post. You might have to edit the transcription, but it takes a lot less time than writing an article from scratch.
The next step is to edit shorter clips of the video for social media. Schedule the content in a social media scheduler, and you’re all set.
5. Set Labor Pricing
Pricing is part of a marketing strategy. Some auto repair shops market themselves by being the cheapest car repair shops in the area.
You don’t want to do that. You’d have to serve a lot of customers just to break even each month.
The most successful car repair shops have fair prices and build a ton of value for their clients.
How can you make sure that you don’t compete on price? Use a labor guide that helps you determine the time it takes to service cars. Take into account experience, probability of repairs, and other factors to set your pricing.
6. Spend Money on Paid Ads
Should you spend money on advertising? You can as long as you have a clear USP and you can communicate that in your ads.
Social media ads and search ads are two places to advertise that are effective but serve different purposes.
Search ads are similar to yellow pages ads. You reach people when they’re ready to buy. Social media ads build brand awareness. When people become ready to buy, they’ll remember your auto repair shop.
7. Collect Emails
A lot of the marketing tips listed here depend on third-party companies to leave everything as is. For instance, you don’t expect Facebook to change or Google to update its algorithm.
The harsh reality is that these companies change and evolve every year. Google makes thousands of small changes and a couple of major changes each year.
These changes could have a dramatic impact on your business. Your site could go from first to worst in search results.
How can you regain control of your marketing efforts? Grow your email list. Think of it as your best business asset.
People who sign up for your emails are already interested in your business. It’s like always connecting with warm leads.
Have sign-up forms on your website and always use calls to action to encourage people to sign up. Ask people when they visit your shop if they want to sign up to your list for discounts.
Email them helpful content regularly, such as tips, videos, and discounts.
Marketing Tips to Grow Your Auto Repair Shop
The auto repair shop industry is going to grow, but there will also be a rise in competition to meet the demand. The best way you can combat that is to have a smart marketing strategy.
The marketing tips here show you how to build a foundation by positioning your business to set your car repair shop apart from the others.
You have a list of tactics you can use to educate customers and provide value. You’ll reach more people, earn their trust, and save time on marketing.
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A Quick Guide on How to Start a Podcast
Posted on October 01, 2021 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks
Two decades ago, the word didn’t even exist. Now podcasts make up some of the most popular online content around.
Podcasts exist on every topic, created by creators from every background. They’ve become another exciting new medium of the digital revolution.
But how do you start one?
It’s not as tough as you think. Here’s our quick guide on how to start a podcast.
Decide Your Subject
Podcasts can (and often do) have the feel of a casual chat, but you’ll still want to build your podcast around a core subject.
This subject gives your podcast structure. It’ll also help you come up with topics on a regular cycle. Your subject will naturally suggest these topics, and you can take suggestions from listeners who are interested in your subject, too.
This overarching subject makes it easier to market your podcast to a specific audience. Tags and other promotional tools will help your podcast reach the right audience on popular platforms.
Equip Yourself
Podcasting equipment is a broad topic, with set-ups ranging from little more than a smartphone to those costing thousands of dollars.
In a way, this is good news—it means you can start a podcast without much initial investment. You should do your best to hit what you consider acceptable production values, but don’t worry too much. Many podcasts develop over time, funneling success into improved podcast tools.
Of course, if you can set aside some initial funds for equipment, then that’s an excellent advantage that will help your podcast rise above some of its competitors.
Publish on a Platform
Podcasts are usually hosted on a range of popular platforms. This helps discoverability. You could host your podcast only on your site, but you’ll usually struggle to reach a wide audience if you do.
Spotify, iTunes, and even YouTube are all popular destinations for podcasts. Don’t stick to one platform, either. You’ll reach a wider audience if you hit all of the big names instead of just a few.
On these platforms, fans can follow, like, and review your podcast. With time, it should climb up the platform’s rankings and reach an even broader set of potential fans.
Brand It
Podcasts may sometimes have the feel of a friendly chat, but even the most casual popular podcasts put some serious thought into their branding.
If you’re podcasting for business purposes, then branding becomes even more important. You’ll need to make sure your podcast aligns with your larger business brand and communicates who you are as a company.
This applies even when your podcast is still new. Your podcast could snowball into sudden success. If it does, you’ll want to be sure it aligns with your wider marketing strategy.
Start a Podcast Today
You might have noticed that the barriers to entry for starting a podcast aren’t high at all—in fact, you could start a podcast today. Follow these tips and you’ll soon join the podcasting community.
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