Logos are an incredibly important part of your overall branding strategy.
But is yours really working for you? Read on to find out when it’s time to start creating new logos for your brand.
Your Logo Doesn’t Serve Your Current Market
Let’s say you’re an SEO company, like See All Media. Because SEO is such a fast-paced industry, the services you offer your clients have changed drastically.
You need to be sure that your current logo is an accurate representation of what your brand has to offer, especially if it’s changed.
Always update your logo to it with the target market you’re currently trying to reach.
You’ve Recently Opened Or Re-Branded
Opening a new business or re-branding is an exciting time! It also gives you an incredible opportunity to hit the ground running on your brand strategy.
Your grand opening or re-opening will get lots of potential repeat customers to shop from you. You need to ensure they know where to find you in the future! Your logo will help them to remember you, and to make the connection between your brand and the products you sell.
It’s crucial that you have your logo designed and ready to go by opening day — not two weeks afterward.
Your Logo Is Dated
If you’ve been in business for many years, you know just how much the market has changed since you first opened your doors.
Why shouldn’t your logo evolve, too?
Plus, a design trend that was popular in the late 80’s just isn’t going to resonate with the shoppers of today. While it’s good to avoid overcommitting to trends, it’s important to be aware of the expectations and design preferences of your target market.
Your Logo Isn’t Effective
Lastly, it’s time for a new logo if you feel like your current one just isn’t getting the job done.
A good way to tell?
If you have a physical storefront, take a walk outside. How does your logo look? Is it visible from far away? How many people do you notice glance up at it as they pass? How many customers ask you about it?
If you’re an online-only business, you can even poll your social media followers and ask what they think about your logo.
Either way, you’ll be able to tell if it’s time for a change from the responses of the most important people — your customers.
Design New Logos Today
As you can see from this post, there are lots of reasons why your brand or the businesses you manage may need new logos.
But just knowing your logo doesn’t work isn’t enough. You also have to have a plan to act!
That’s where we come in. Read through our helpful branding and design blog to get even more information on what it takes to create an effective and unique logo. Then, use our free online logo maker tool to get started on creating your own!
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