When consumers make a choice between competing businesses there are motivations that help them decide.
For business owners, the trick has always been to recognize what their potential customers want ahead of time.
There is nowhere this is more important than in designing a finance company logo. Nearly 30,000 planners exited the business in 2015, a fact that shows how fiercely competitive the industry is.
The right finance company logo can help you attract and retain clients. You will communicate integrity, success, and longevity if you put these design ideas to good use.
Make your logo stand out! Here’s how:
A Finance Company Logo Signals Success
A memorable logo will attract the eye of your clients. It’s not enough to just catch a fleeting glance though.
Your design for a finance company or financial advisor should communicate success. Before you begin to hit the drawing board, ask yourself what signals success to you.
Is it high priced items? Glitter? Gold? Thinking of your symbols of success can help you decide what colors, designs, and textures conjure success in your mind.
Keep Your Clients in Mind
Knowing your audience is a cornerstone of any business. It’s not enough to want more business.
At the center of any marketing campaign is learning to understand your customers and anticipate their needs. This is especially true in financial services.
If your core demographic is younger clients looking to aggressively build wealth, this should inform your logo design. High contrast, warm colors, will signal excitement and strength.
On the other hand, the stability and calming effect of cool tones and stable lines will communicate something different altogether. You may appeal more to older or wealthier customers who require caution.
Would you prefer to attract clients who are drawn to the excitement of wealth building or the assurance of wealth preservation? Knowing what your clients want is important.
Build Your Brand
Companies spend millions of dollars on brand management. They want to control how clients perceive their goods and services.
Every marketing campaign, external outreach, and client interaction affects your brand. And at the heart of brand management is logo design.
A finance company logo should be shaped by what your clients want as well as who you are as a company. A finance company in a tropical paradise could feature a palm tree.
Don’t laugh: Signaling both offshore banking opportunities and a connection to paradise could be a great background to a logo.
Inversely, if you are located in a busy urban area, a skyscraper elevating wealth to new heights could be a key image.
Logo design is about color, line, and image. But just as important is your customer and your brand.
Find the Inspiration
After you spend some time reflecting on the direction of your company, the needs of your clients, and your core principles of success, you are ready to start experimenting.
Finding inspiration is easier than you think.
Online Logo Maker has tools to help you make your own free logo. What could be more simple?
Come try out our tools and find the inspiration you need to make your logo stand out today!
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