The right logo can do wonders for your brand.
Take Apple, for instance. Their logo isn’t particularly complex. In fact, they took an extremely minimalist approach. And yet as soon as someone sees that white apple with a bit missing, they know exactly what it means.
As a blogger, it’s important that you do everything within your power to get your name out there. There’s a lot of competition in the blogosphere, and your content should stand out.
Logos for bloggers should bring the brand to mind as soon as the audience sees it.
Here are some of the biggest ways that using a logo can create a brand for your blogging business.
Logos for Bloggers Establish Identity
When push comes to shove, your logo is all about brand recognition and creating an identity. Whether you’re outsourcing or using a WordPress frontend plugin, create something recognizable.
Take a moment to think about all the branding your audience is exposed to on a daily basis. Everything from billboards to t-shirts features brand names and logos.
If you’re not making an effort to stand out, you’re going to get lost in the shuffle.
An effective logo should be eye-catching, but it should also evoke feelings. Depending on your location, certain colors can portray different things, so it’s important to know what you want your colors to say.
Take the color red for instance. It’s a simple, common color, but it’s able to convey:
- Anger
- Passion
- Forcefulness
In contrast, something softer, such as a pastel yellow can evoke feelings such as:
- Rebirth
- Warmth
- Optimism
It may sound silly, but if you neglect the psychological impact of color, your logo will suffer.
Typeface Matters
Think of typeface as the icing on your logo’s cake. It’s decorative but adds a distinct flavor at the same time.
In fact, the typeface you choose is every bit as important as color. Accordingly, there’s an awful lot to consider.
For instance, should your logo be in print or cursive? What about the age-old serif vs. sans serif debate?
When it comes to logos for bloggers, these simple questions have a tremendous impact on their brand.
Spend a few minutes looking over this list, and note just how many types of font there are.
These things do matter. Take a moment to consider one of the most famous blogging logos out there, the WordPress logo. You can likely conjure up the image of the curvy W without even seeing the logo.
The Best Logos for Bloggers are Simple
Let’s stick to the WordPress example for a minute. Their logo is about as simplified as it gets, it’s just a white W in a baby blue circle.
And yet most bloggers would be able to spot the logo anywhere. What makes it so effective? It isn’t busy or distracting at all, yet it’s instantly recognizable.
Ultimately, that’s your goal as a blogger. Your logo needs to be simple, clean, and to the point. There’s just something elegant about a simple design.
When it Comes to Logos for Bloggers, the Logo Makes the Brand
As you can see, it’s important that you use your logo to establish an identity for your brand. Through the use of color and font, your logo can capture the imagination of your audience.
Whether it’s Disney, Folgers, or even Subway, there’s one thing to take away from this article. Logos make the brand, not the other way around.
Create an identity like no other through the use of your logo.
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