Which logo is the most famous in the world? Which ones come to your mind immediately?
Starbucks? Apple? Nike? Coca-Cola?
What about CAT? Yes, this is a very well known logo for heavy machinery. In fact, it is so well known and so popular that it features on bags, shoes and, fashion items. If the logo was not brilliant it wouldn’t have come so far in popularity.
Yet, the CAT logo did not always look like that. It has developed over the years to be what it is today. The first iteration of the CAT logo in 1925 was very different from the modern logo. Yet, that illustrates a vital quality in designing brilliant logos: be willing to adapt and change.
Here are 8 more must-know tips for creating the ultimate machinery logo.
1. Simplicity
The beauty of simplicity is that it is easy to recognize. It is easy to remember and it can stand the test of time. Another added benefit of simplicity is that in theory, it is not difficult to design. You do not have to be a brilliant artist or graphic designer in order to produce something that is clear, simple and immediately recognizable.
Some of the best examples of simplicity are Apple and Nike. Simple shapes set against a very basic color palette. Black and white. However, do not underestimate the thought and effort that have gone into these logos. That brings us to the second must-know tip.
2. Connect Your Logo to Your Brand
To do this you have to have a clear idea of what your brand is first. That does not mean what you sell but it means what your brand stands for. What are your values?
Nike is a good example of how their logo connects with their slogan ‘Just do it.’ In other words, you can do anything you set your mind to if you have the right sports equipment. Simple, powerful and very emotive.
In contrast, the Apple logo is not very emotive. It is more technical and creative, the idea of a ‘byte’ out of an apple. Before you design your logo it is good to ask yourself questions about your brand identity first. Here are some good questions…
- Where are you positioning in the market? Are you going for ‘old faithful’ or cutting edge with innovation?
- Is your brand more corporate or more relaxed and personable?
- Is your brand exclusive or available to all?
- Is a major part of your brand the business name itself (like Coca-Cola) or can you go with a visual representation?
3. Understand the Power of Color
Color has meaning and it evokes a psychological response. This is obvious when we think about it. A beautiful sky is blue for a reason as is a beautiful calm lake. Colors from the natural world stir emotion.
Bright colors are exciting but they may signal danger as is the case with poisonous animals and often toxic plants. Check out this brilliant article about 4 surprising things you need to take into consideration when choosing colors. Makes sure you are aware of the psychological effects of colors before you start selecting them.
4. Logo vs Logotype
This is a personal choice. However, your business name may already be reasonably well established. In which case you would want to take advantage of that and not dilute your brand by diverting attention away from what is already well recognized.
If that is true of your business, then your machinery logo could be an adapted version of your business name. This is the idea that CAT has employed. If you are going to use a logotype then you need to think about using a unique font. Some logos are so good that their unique font is part of what identifies them. Coca-Cola is a case in point.
5. Consider Negative Space
Once again this works well with simple designs. A good example is the FedEx logo. Between the E and x is a white arrow created from using the negative space. True, it is easy to miss but it conveys a call to action that does not go unnoticed by some part of your brain.
It is an intelligent style of design that could work very well as a machinery logo. So give this some extra thought. Here is a great article to help you get started in using negative space.
6. Don’t Forget the Background
You want a logo that goes beyond the limitations of paper. Remember, you want it to look good on your machinery, on letters, on your web pages, and on any other marketing merchandise.
7. TOP TIP – Keep It in Proportion
What does that mean? Check out this image of the Twitter logo here. What do you see? You see proportion. This follows the same idea of being a simple design but it also conveys harmony and balance.
This would be an excellent principle to follow when designing machinery logo. This is because the principle of design engineering with equipment must themselves follow a measure of proportionality.
No matter what your machinery is, it will benefit from this principle. A plate compactor is completely different from a forklift truck but both yield to the design principle of proportion. Give it a go and see what you can come up with.
8. Get Help
Last must-know tip is that there is always help and it can be free. A great place to start is with an online tool like this one here. You may find that it does exactly what you need but even if it doesn’t it will at least help you formulate ideas and begin to see what works and what does not.
Start Creating Your Machinery Logo
Now you have got 8 must-know tips you can get started creating your machinery logo. It can seem like a daunting task to get started but it needn’t be like that. Use our online logo maker to get started.
Here is a tutorial on how to best use this free tool here.