Never assume your logo or brand is going to tell your story about your business.
You still need to do the work when it comes to creating a logo or a business sign. In fact, sign design can say a lot about your business. It can tell your customers something immediately, helping them solve a problem.
You may not want a sign that has eon lights that send mixed messages about your business.
You want to communicate an effective message by creating a sign design online that helps you win over consumers, having them stop at your business, and eventually making a sale.
If you want to know the 7 best sign design tips, this guide can help you out.
1. Think About the Color
Different colors symbolize different things. For example, blue can symbolize empathy, compassion, or a more conservative approach.
While red can be more of a symbol of aggression. It can be a symbol of strength.
Figuring out what color represents your brand and what you are trying to convey to your consumers is important in the color you choose for your sign. You have to figure out what your business represents before choosing a color.
You want your consumers to feel like you understand them, which is why choosing a color is important. It can speak directly to them.
2. What Does the Audience Think?
Another tip: when it comes to creating a sign consider what the audience thinks. You have to think about what message you are sending with your sign.
If you have a niche business, you need to consider what your ideal market thinks about your sign. Does it cause them to take action? Does it cause them to think about a problem they have and how you have the solution?
That’s why your brand needs to be a part of your sign. You want people to feel something when they read your sign. Your ideal market should see your sign as something that can help them.
It should remind them of what your business can do for them. That’s why you have to consider the messaging, the color, and ultimately what your brand invokes on your target market. You have to consider what action you are trying to get them to take.
3. How Readable Is the Sign?
While having a fancy sign may look cool, it may not produce the best results. It may be difficult to read.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a business card, an outside business sign, or another form of a business sign, you have to make sure what you are saying is clear to the target market.
You should have a font and size that is readable to everyone. If someone can’t read your business cards, it’s usually to give them away. You have to be clear and to the point with whatever signs you create for your business.
Consumers want to understand what your business is and not be caught up by the fluff and uniqueness of your signs.
If you want to learn about business cards and how to make them readable, you can learn more here.
4. Create a Simple Message
Creating a simple message for your business is vital if you want to get your point across to your consumers.
For example, if you’re a plumber, you want to show consumers in your business card or outside sign what kind of services you offer. You don’t want to get caught in the non-essentials.
You want to provide essential information that is helpful to your market so they know exactly what you do without any confusion.
5. Include a Photo
If you are learning how to create business cards, you should consider adding a photo. This can make your business significantly more appealing.
If you have an outside sign at your store, you can also have a photo of yourself helping customers.
When you add a photo to your business, it can make you appear more authentic and personable rather than someone who just has their business name.
6. Does It Communicate Your Brand?
Another tip to consider when you are designing your sign is how it communicates your brand.
Your brand is the story you are telling your customers. You want consumers to understand the problem they have and how you can help them overcome that problem.
It doesn’t matter if you have a business card, an outside physical business sign, or an online website sign, you need to make sure your brand is communicated.
You want to make sure consumers understand what your business does for them.
7. What Does It Accomplish?
Lastly, you want to make sure your business sign is accomplishing something.
It could be awareness or it could be more website traffic. The goal of a great sign is that you want people to be introduced and remember what your business offers.
You can always give surveys to your consumers asking them what they think of your sign. This can provide some feedback if you need to change it. You can also ask how they found your business, which can be insightful when it comes to seeing what customers found your business based on your sign.
Now It’s Time to Create a Sign Design
Now you know all the best tips to create a sign design. You just have to remember that you want to have a target market in mind and you want to make sure your sign is clear and easy to understand.
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