Do you need a new clinic logo?
Whether you’re giving your current logo a refreshed look or creating a logo for a new clinic, there is a lot to consider.
You’ll want to get your logo design right because your logo can have a tremendous amount of impact on your clinic.
Researchers at MIT found that a good logo design can have a positive impact on your customer’s commitment to your brand, but also on your bottom line.
If you’re not sure how to design a logo for your clinic, you’ve come to the right place.
Here are the top tips to create an attractive clinic logo.
Start with the Brand
When designing a logo, you want to have a deep understanding of what the brand is. After all, a logo is a visual representation of a brand.
In order to understand your clinic’s brand, you’ll want to ask yourself questions to help guide you.
An easy way to go about it is to think about your brand personality. Creating your brand personality is a matter of thinking of your company as a person or character. You’ll then ask yourself a series of questions to uncover the traits of the brand.
- If my brand was a car, what would it drive?
- How would my brand dress?
- Where does my brand live?
- How does the brand speak and behave?
- What are the top adjectives to define my brand?
The last question is important because you’ll need to be able to define the main characteristics of your brand. Here are a few to think about to get yourself started:
Smart, sassy, strong, calm, relaxed, masculine, feminine, approachable, elegant, caring, quirky, energetic, serious.
You’ll then want to match these adjectives up with brand archetypes to discover what your brand’s personality is.
Not only will this exercise help you in designing a clinic logo, but you can use these traits in hiring staff. You can match the qualities of candidates with the qualities of the brand. That will help you determine if they’re a good fit for your organization.
Be Original
You do want to do some research on logos. It will start to get your creativity going as you discover what you like and dislike about logos you come across.
Looking at your competitors’ logos will also help you discover how they’re positioning their brand in the marketplace.
While doing research to get ideas is a good thing, you don’t want to copy elements of other logos. That can backfire on you and damage your brand. It can also raise some serious questions about your ethics.
For example, this clinic for STD & HIV testing took elements of Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign logo and tagline, right down to “Feel the Bern.”
While that seems creative and humorous at first, it isn’t a good long-term solution for a logo. Most people are only going to remember the campaign logo and slogan for a short period of time.
Not only that, but you can confuse your potential customers. They may think that your brand is somehow related to the campaign.
Use of Color and Fonts
It’s widely known that colors and fonts have an impact on your brand’s perception.
This is where you want to revisit your brand’s personality traits and create a logo that’s congruent with those characteristics.
For example, if you discovered that your brand is conservative, quiet, and strong, you can consider a dark blue color in your clinic logo. Dark blue tends to represent these characteristics, and it’s a more masculine color.
The font should reflect a similar tone. If you were to have a typeface that was a retro style, it won’t convey a conservative, quiet and strong brand.
The Shape of a Logo Impacts Your Brand
If you’re planning to incorporate shapes or symbols in your clinic logo, know that they have a psychological impact, too.
For example, the logo for this drug detox program incorporates triangles.
Studies have shown that hard angles such as these can create the perception of hardness and durability.
A rounded logo can be perceived as soft, warm, and attentive.
Either one can work well for a clinic logo, it comes down to what matches your brand’s personality better and what you want to convey to the public.
Put Your Ideas Down on Paper
As you’re going through this process, it’s important to keep detailed notes of what you want your brand to stand for and how that should be communicated visually.
These notes about your clinic’s brand personality, as well as what you liked and didn’t like about other logos.
Now, you can start sketching logo ideas. This is where you can let your creativity shine.
Don’t get to hung up on having to be perfect. These are just draft concepts, so feel free to play with colors, typefaces, and symbols.
Once you have your concepts down, go back and see which ones are most aligned with your brand personality.
You’ll want to have three solid logo concepts that you can start testing for feedback and review.
Test Your Ideas
Designing a great clinic logo is a collaborative process. Now that you have ideas down on paper, you can start getting feedback to see what works and what doesn’t.
Take your sketches and start showing them to trusted members of your staff and clients. If there’s one logo that they like more than others, ask them why.
You’ll also want to explain the brand personality to staff and clients. They may offer valuable insight and show you things that you may have missed in the process.
Start Designing Your Clinic Logo
Are you ready to start designing your logo?
As long as you’re true to the spirit of the brand and do your research, you’ll be able to design a logo that makes a great first impression.
You can get started right now with Online Logo Maker. There are images, templates, and fonts to help you draft something in a quickly as 10 minutes.
Check it out here.
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