No matter what type of business you run or brand you own, a quality eye-catching logo is important.
When it comes to landscaping and lawn care companies, a logo has to really reflect the products, services, and niche of that company.
Are you ready to make the best landscaping logo for your business? Check out our handy guide to creating lawn care logos below!
Create the Ideal Lawn Care and Landscaping Logo
Whether you sell weed eater products or provide amazing landscaping services, your logo needs to reflect who you are.
Keep it green– but don’t make it boring
The color green is heavily associated with nature, lawns, and landscaping. You should definitely incorporate the color green into your logo, but overdoing it can make your logo (and your business) disappear into crowds of another run of the mill landscaping companies.
Try using green variations that are typically seen, like dark forest green or lime green. Use it sparingly and be sure to use color theory to really make those colors pop. Most quality online logo makers will offer wide ranges of colors to use in your logo art.
Check your focus
What is your business’s main focus? Do you provide landscaping services? Do you sell nursery plants?
Really zone in on what it is you do. If you commit to providing multiple services and goods, look at your most successful or most consistent service. Base your logo around that.
Choose imagery that fits your brand
This is common sense for the most part. If you sell pine trees, don’t look for a stock image from an online logo maker that features flowers or oak trees.
The images used in your logo should be specific. You provide a niche service, so show it off in your logo!
Find a happy medium with detail
Landscaping companies will more than likely use their logos in large formats for their trucks, billboards, or offices. Since you don’t have to worry too much about small-scale design, in this case, you can get pretty detailed with your logos.
However, there is such a thing as too much detail. Logos should still be relatively simple, eye-catching, and easy to read. You don’t need to incorporate a full photo of a landscape into your logo.
If anything, a landscaping logo with vector art or simple illustrations work best.
Avoid cliches
Landscaping logos, in particular, can fall victim to cliches. Does your design in mind feature a big green globe? How about a simple tree?
These are cliches in the logo world. As a general rule, a basic symbol of what your business is shouldn’t be the entire logo. A cupcake bakery shouldn’t just boast a big pink cupcake for its logo, and neither should a landscaping company show off a big basic green tree.
Get creative! You’re making a piece of commercial art for your business. Incorporate nature elements that apply to your niche, but don’t oversimplify it or get lazy with thinking outside the box.
How was our guide to landscaping logos? Got a logo you’re proud of that you’d like to share? Show it off in the comments below!
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