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Whether you’ve been inspired by a beauty guru or someone else, starting a makeup line can be daunting.
Once you go through the motions of setting up the technical aspects of the business, the last thing you want to do is draw a blank when thinking of a name.
Are you wondering how you can come up with the perfect business name? Keep reading to learn all about how to think of names for a makeup line.
Brainstorm Using a List
The best way to get your creative juices flowing is by writing down as many makeup line names as you can on a sheet of paper. You can brainstorm by yourself or with one or more trusted people.
It often happens that the best ideas come through a subconscious chance. Instead of waiting for lightning to strike, you should get as much material out of your brain as you can. That way, you’ll have something to work with.
After you have a sizeable list, you can consider each one. You should cross out ideas that don’t work for your makeup line on second thought. You can also put a star next to the most promising ones.
Keep Your Mission Statement in Mind
Your brand should have a mission statement or at least a general ethos that you can use to help you whittle down your list to the best makeup line name ideas.
For example, if you have a vegan makeup line, then you might want to use a name that reflects this ethos. Similarly, if you have pure ingredients, then don’t be afraid to flaunt that within the name of your brand.
It’s possible that you might still be in the process of creating your makeup line ideas. Have you forgotten to include carbomer 940 in your products? In that case, you should learn more about carbomer 940.
Play With Words
There are so many brand names out there that it can be difficult to stick out from the crowd. One of the best ways you can distinguish your brand is through sheer creativity.
Playing with words is a hallmark of great marketing so you should feel free to give it your best shot. A perfect play on words can make a potential customer acknowledge your wit or even make them laugh.
For example, “Kiss and Makeup” is a play on the cliché phrase that tells a couple to stop fighting and love each other. Best of all, when someone uses that common phrase, it can evoke your awesome brand at the same time.
Ready to Create Names for a Makeup Line?
Now that you’ve learned all about how to think of names for a makeup line, you can make your brand official.
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