Logos are a great way to quickly show clientele what a law firm is all about.
However, law firms need to exert caution as the use of logos may raise ethical concerns. In addition, law firm logos have the potential to be viewed as misleading or false advertising.
There are effective logo design strategies that will avoid these potential legal and ethical issues.
What is Behind a Law Firm Logo?
When it comes to a good law firm logo, every little detail should have a larger meaning behind it. This includes the color, the imagery, and the font, among many other potential variables.
Each color has natural connotations associated with it. For example, red is typically viewed with caution, just as a red flag. On the other hand, green has a positive connotation.
Fonts also have subtle meaning. Certain fonts may indicate a modern or more traditional approach to law.
What are Some Other Considerations for Law Firm Logos?
The most important consideration is that the logo is a quick and identifiable representation of what the law firm stands for. At the same time, the logo should be unique and recognizable.
While a scale may represent justice, it is also an overused cliché in the legal field. It is key to find an icon, shape, or image that sends a powerful message to clientele.
For instance, the Lexington Law Firm specializes in repair credit history and scores. Its website features an icon shaped as a bar graph with an upward arrow, indicating an increasing credit score.
Moreover, competitors’ logos should be taken into consideration. Adopting a logo that is overly similar to a competitor will be less effective and may confuse potential clients.
In some cases alone, an image or icon is not required and the firm’s name alone does the trick. There is a good reason why major corporations like Facebook, Google, and Ford simply use the company name as a logo.
Finally, ensure that the logo is easy and quick to read. If a client has to take the time to try and read it, the logo is a failure.
What Ethical and Legal Concerns Should be Considered?
In rare cases, certain symbols or text may be construed by a court of law as misleading or false advertising.
In one case in Iowa, a law firm was prohibited from marking its 100th anniversary in a logo as it constituted an advertisement. The court believed the law firm was attempting to characterize its long history and experience within the logo.
Another case in Florida involved a law firm logo featuring a pit bull. The court adopted the widely-held view that pit bulls are an aggressive breed of dog.
As a result, the state court deemed that the logo violated laws requiring legal entities to present factual information in a “nonsensational manner.”
The good news is that in the vast majority of cases, law firm logos are not considered questionable. When in doubt, seek out the guidance of the state where law is being practiced or the bar association.
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