Ever since man learned to draw we’ve been communicating through pictures. Some of the earliest languages are pictographic. Symbols representing ideas and things.
Today, the language of advertising is the image. When you watch a television commercial, are you expecting a rhetorical speech?
Why not? Because images connect to a very powerful part of our brains: the emotional part.
So, what is the simplest form of advertisement? The logo.
Logos are essentially brand encapsulation.
Think of the most iconic brands in the history of advertising. You could probably tell us more about each brand just by thinking of their logo than you could about your own grandmother.
Designing a logo for electronics should be no different than designing a logo for any other brand. And today we’re going to tell you exactly how to do that.
1. Freshness Counts When It Comes to Your Logo for Electronics
If you look back over the years, major companies keep updating their logos.
Of course, the main aspects of each logo stay the same. Apple Macintosh went from a rainbow colored apple to a simple apple silhouette when they became merely Apple.
But design trends change over time. And unless your electronics company makes tablets that look like they were built in some fictional version of 1920, you should stick to current design trends for your logo.
2. Timelessness Should Also Be on Your Mind
It’s extremely hard to judge timelessness. A lot of art gets labeled as a “timeless classic” long before it’s had a chance to prove the claim true.
But there are a few ways to design a logo for electronics that is more likely to be relevant in ten years.
The key to balancing freshness and timelessness is to use design elements that haven’t disappeared in the last few years.
Couple those with design elements that really did stand the test of time and you’ll have a winning logo.
Of course, you will probably have to tweak your logo over time to keep it fresh as certain elements go out of style. But the basic structure should be timeless.
3. Making Your Logo Memorable Is the Key to Winning
It’s easy to go overboard.
You decide you want to symbolize everything your business is about and end up with a beautifully complicated design.
Great! Print it and put it on your wall. But don’t put that on your product.
Making a splash and being memorable are two very different things. You could create a beautifully intricate logo and have everyone forget what it looked like as soon as they roll their eyes elsewhere.
Too many symbols in a logo will kill your logo, so, make it simple and easy to recall.
How do you do this? Ask yourself what is the central mission of your business. Now think of an object or letter or even style that describes this mission.
When designing a logo for electronics, you want your logo to fit one simple message.
Conclusion: Just Do It
Just start drawing it. Even if your first logo draft is too much, you can identify a symbol or a design within your first draft and pair everything else down.
Keep it simple, and get to it. Create your own logos with Online Logo Maker!
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