Crafting a great casino logo is like hitting the jackpot — when you do it right you know you’ve struck gold.
Casino logos are crucial to making your brand memorable to customers. With the number of new online casinos cropping up, a good logo will make your business stand out.
So, here is the ‘how to’ guide on creating a winning logo for your online casino.
What Do Casino Logos Say About You?
Here are a few things to consider when brainstorming your casino logos:
- Is there a kind of game or theme you’re using in your logo?
- Is there an audience or customer type you want to appeal to?
- Do you have a specific message you’re trying to send out?
By 2020, online gambling is set to become a $60 billion dollar a year industry.
Making your brand stand out is more important now than ever. While creating your iconic logo, the first step should be deciding what your brand says.
Remember that people are looking for an online gaming site they consider fun and gives them hope in a payout.
Once you have an idea of your brand you can actually start brainstorming a design.
Drafting an Idea
Some questions to ask yourself during the design process are:
- Do you want to be sleek and stylish?
- Do you want to use an old-school call to the casinos of Vegas?
- Do you want a fun and easy-going look?
Now that you have a message for your brand, how can you convey that?
You could use a character with your brand — a cartoon that looks fun and inviting, or you could use the name of your online casino in a memorable way.
Text styles are a common form of logos. There’s a good reason for that since a name will be the most searchable tool to find your specific website.
Consider using an old school pen and paper to draft out your casino name. Then move to an online creator to bring your ideas to the web.
Compare the Competition
Creating a simple draft will give you some form of originality but knowing how other successful businesses in the industry have used their casino logos, can help you improve yours.
There are a number of successful online casinos like Guts, Rizk and Sloty. These websites utilize a variety of different designs that have found them success.
A quick check may give you ideas on how to improve your casino logos design and make it stand out next to other big names in the business.
You could also check other general guides on a good logo design for a different perspective.
Know What Not to Do
Don’t date yourself. Aspects of design can get old and there are a ton of cliches that will make your customer’s eyes roll out of their heads.
When designing, strive for simplicity. Overly complex and gaudy are easy to recognize and will make customers think your site is cheap.
Remember that customers need something they can focus in on and recognize quickly. If your design has too many elements it will push people away.
Simple, memorable and unique are key ideas for designing casino logos.
Strive to Hit the Jackpot
You now have the tools to make a great logo that will draw people into your site. From here you should try to create a few designs to test with online customers.
Getting feedback from a group of people will broaden your ideas and give you valuable perspective.
When you’re ready to learn about the next steps in logo design try out this tutorial to craft a free logo.
A good logo will stick in your customer’s head and have them returning for more chances to win.
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