The scent of lavender and tea tree oil fill the senses while relaxing music fills the air. While a calming effect immediately begins to take over the body, a clean robe is offered and services begin.
A hallowed place for most anyone on the planet to experience, booking an appointment at a spa can rejuvenate the body and pacify the soul.
The global wellness industry generates over 3.7 trillion U.S. dollars due to the rising popularity of wellness and healthy living. So, it’s no wonder that day spa logos are focused on zen designs.
But what exactly makes a perfect spa logo design to use for a new business focused on health and wellness?
Check out some of these helpful design ideas and tips to plan the perfect logo.
Achieve Zen With These Spa Logo Design Ideas
Sure, to begin a spa business correctly, things such as building location, employees, spa management software, and prices for service must be considered.
However, to really advertise to potential clients, it’s important to create the perfect spa logo design.
People chose to visit a spa because they want to relax and rejuvenate. Designing a logo that is calm, serene, and peaceful is the best way to reinforce these client goals.
Here are some of the key concepts to consider when creating a spa logo:
The Image
First, make sure to consider services rendered.
If the spa is focusing on a total body experience, choose an image that showcases the human body. If the spa experience is focused on facials and other services that revolve around the face (i.e permanent makeup, waxing, botox, etc) – consider a profile image of a body from the neck up.
The Color Palette
Color is key to evoking the perfect spa experience. So, the perfect spa logo design should focus on cool or neutral colors that evoke a feeling of peace.
There are 3 main color choices that have the ability to calm the mind and reduce stress:
With the ability to conjure feelings of peace and tranquility, this is a great color option to choose for a spa logo design.
Blue hues can create feelings of calmness and well-being. Said to have a sedative effect, the color blue has been shown to lower blood pressure and body temperature.
Purple has the ability to create an overall mental calming effect. Used as a primary color in helping to soothe mental distress and nervousness, this hue is a perfect addition to any spa logo design.
The Name
Fonts are the finishing touches to a perfect spa logo. Choosing a font to showcase the spa name is integral in finalizing a relaxing, rejuvenating representation of the business and the services.
Choose something light and airy.
Avoiding bold and dynamic fonts can ensure that potential clients are not immediately overwhelmed with a name, but instead focused on relaxing colors and light strokes of a calming font.
Let The Zen Begin
Once the image, the color palette, and the font have been decided for the perfect spa logo design, clients can begin experiencing a mental and physical escape to utter relaxation.
Designing a spa logo that creates feelings of peacefulness and serenity doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Using a logo maker can be the best, easiest, and most effective way to create the perfect design.
Need some inspiration? Try using a template to create the perfect spa logo.
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