The latest study from the Edelman Trust Barometer found that trust in all business institutions has plummeted over the last few years.
This data certainly isn’t exactly encouraging for security companies that rely so heavily on having their customers’ trust.
But don’t panic!
There are lots of ways you can adjust your company’s branding efforts to promote trustworthiness to potential customers, but one of the best ways is through your company’s logo.
Keep reading to learn how to convey trust through your security logo design.
Focus on Your Font
A high-quality logo will make all the difference in your branding efforts. One of the easiest ways to boost the quality of your security logo is to choose the right font.
Businesses that rely on the trust of their customers — security firms, financial institutions, etc. — often use modern fonts for their logo.
Modern fonts are elegant and feature a contrast between thick and thin strokes. They send off a calm, in-control message, which makes them perfect for security logos.
Modern fonts also strike a perfect balance between new and old. They’re not too “trendy,” which can indicate a lack of experience, but they’re not too old-fashioned, either, which can indicate being out of touch.
Use Capital Letters
Security logos can also benefit from using all capital letters. A study published by the British Journal of Psychology found that customers are more likely to remember a brand name if its logo is written in capital letters.
Capital letters are more recognizable and, therefore, more memorable for a lot of people. There’s also something more attention-grabbing about a logo written in capitals.
Use Geometric Shapes
Strong geometric shapes like triangles and circles send the message that your security business is steadfast and reliable. Triangles have a solid foundation but also indicate that progress is possible. Circles are also a good choice, as they signify continuity and stability.
Choose the Right Colors
Just like fonts, colors have a huge impact on the message your security logo conveys. Certain colors emphasize specific traits.
For a security business, blue, gray, and black are all good colors to utilize to convey a sense of authority and credibility.
Blue symbolizes protection, security, authority, and boldness. It’s often used in logos for companies that sell electronics. Zions Security also uses it in their logo and throughout their website to subtly send the message that they are a trustworthy organization.
Black and grey both symbolize authority, practicality, and earnestness. Both of these colors are common in corporate logos.
Make it Versatile
No matter which colors and fonts you use for your security logo, make sure that the design is highly versatile. Customers need to be able to read it at any size, from billboards to social media profile pictures.
Although your logo’s color is important, there are going to be times when your logo can only be printed in black and white. So, you need to make sure that it’s still readable even without color. This way, it will look good no matter where it’s featured.
Need Help Creating Your Security Logo?
Now that you know what to include in your security logo, it’s time to start designing. If you’re new to the design world, check out our free logo design tool today. We can’t wait to see what you create!
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