Every great business has to start by giving their customer a first impression that sticks.
It has to convey your message, something unique and important about your company, and you have one tiny little picture to make it happen.
How are you going to go about designing a logo for your business? You need something iconic, something that pops into your customer’s mind whenever they think about you.
Today, we’re going to teach you how to do that. Read on.
Choosing an Unforgettable Logo Design
Don’t Be Afraid to Steal
Hear us out.
There is little chance that your business is groundbreaking. Most of what people are doing that’s truly innovative is taking something already on the market and making it better.
Are there any companies that are similar to yours? Do they have a similar mission and core values?
If this business is more successful than yours, take a look at their logo. What sticks out? What’s really grabbing you?
There are only so many color and shapes available for you to use. Scoping out the competition is a great way to find out what’s going to work best in your own logo.
Shape it up
What do you do?
Are you a marketing firm? Law? Shapes can say a lot about your business.
Consider circles. Think about brands like Audi and the Olympics. The circles are symbols of organization.
If trust is important to you, go with a rectangular shape. Think about American Express, Microsoft, login Gmail account, etc…
If you’re using any lettering in your logo, make sure it’s easy to read. Think of the “P” in Pinterest. The best example of how to properly use fonts are cereal boxes.
The ones designed for kids have goofy, funny, multi-colored letters. Cheerios is marketed more towards adults, so they use a plain, black text.
When it doubt, go with black. It’s an elegant color, suited for nearly every business. It’s bold, telling your customers that you’re serious about yourself and what you do.
However, black doesn’t work in every scenario. Every color says something different.
Have you ever wondered by so many chain and fast food restaurants use some variation of red and or yellow?
Yellow symbolizes friendliness and happiness, while red gives off vibes of power, raw energy, and even romance.
Going out to eat is a common dating experience. Use of the color red is not a coincidence.
Empty Space
One of the most creative pieces of logo design is the usage of empty or “negative space“.
The “less is more” philosophy can enable you to do some really neat things. If your business is all about minimalism, utilizing this negative space could do more for your logo than the logo itself.
Wrapping it Up
Are the creative juices starting to flow?
As a new business, think about incorporating green into your logo. It symbolizes themes like “fresh” and “new”.
When you can’t make up your mind, try the less is more approach and utilize that negative space.
If you are completely clueless, check out our free tutorial on logo design.
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