Posted on January 02, 2012 by Tope
Logos play very important roles in the existence of organizations anywhere across the globe. In point of fact, the logo is one of the most potent and precise means of identification. In a vast world where a times names, products, services and activities of a number of organizations may really be similar, the logo can indeed serve as proof of identity.
The essence of distinct logos cannot be overemphasized. For this reason, over the years, groups, such as bands have to invest at least to secure imagery that can represent them anywhere and anytime in the midst of the several millions of symbols that are obtainable across the globe. As a matter of fact, some of the internet’s most popular outsourcing firms confirm this. On these online job sites, a number of people and organizations in need of logo designers are not uncommon.
Yet, it is not just fabricating symbols that matters. A good logo must carry all that a band bears. Hundreds of thousands of musical bands exist all over, but what is it that distinguishes yours? It starts from an issue such as stage performance to studio work and also, procuring a logo that will convey distinct signals of excellence and other worthy values.

Posted on May 09, 2011 by Tope
We live in a beautiful planet. However, humanity has been exposed to both pleasant and traumatizing happenings. As a matter of fact, a large portion of the human race has been swept off as a result of epidemics. Many of these occur as a result of carelessness or ignorance as regards sanitation. Also, in recent times, there have been revelations concerning release of green house gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere as a result of human activities. Hence, there is great need for every citizen of our planet to take up responsibility with respect to humanity’s well-being.
At this junction, there is a call to everyone to contend the adversaries. Definitely, there are situations that make life unbearable for man. And obviously, human health is extremely vulnerable. But there is a remarkable tool! It is the public health logo! This is a vital instrument which actually has the potential to bring everyone to the forefront of the mission to salvage humanity from further humiliation. It is also important to state here that every one may not be captured by words, but the public health logo is a cutting-edge emblem which is capable of inspiring all and sundry to contribute to the making of a healthier world. This logo must be entrenched in all hearts, coupled with the fact that a healthier environment actually means a healthier people.

Posted on April 26, 2011 by Tope
Our environment is undergoing rapid degradation. Aside appalling findings by Environmental scientists as regards the receding mass of ice at the polar region, a potential cause of flood disasters, air pollution which brings about health issues such as cancer of the lungs is also on the increase. Robert Orben puts it this way: “There’s so much pollution in the air now that if it weren’t for our lungs there’d be no place to put it all.”
In addition, heat wave, a result of global warming is being experienced in different parts of the globe, culminating in upsurge of health cases such as skin cancer. There is also rise in cases of malaria and dengue fever especially in the tropics.
Now the battle line is drawn. We have to fight for preservation of our environment like never before, and one of the instruments which can actually help us in the realization of an environment, clean and green, is creating incisive logos for environmental campaigns.
Logo in environmental sustenance? An inquisitive person is likely to ask. But we must not at all forget the power embedded in such forms of design. In reality, logos have the potential to create long-lasting effects that thousands of words will not establish.
Hence, we can succeed in educating people concerning remedies such as recycling and reusing and make them adopt eco-friendly practices. With these among others, we can reduce carbon footprint and make our world a better place to live in.

Posted on April 11, 2011 by Tope
One of the principal aims of a logo designer or creator is to come up with a design that will send a message of reality to every viewer. One of the ways to achieve this is to follow the 3D concept.
As a matter of fact, tools are fast springing up that can allow logo designers to really generate impressive 3D designs. Two of the most popular software Packages that can be used for 3D designs is Corel Draw and Photoshop.
Another graphic design tool is the Xara 3D 5. Hence it just seems that we have all it takes to design enthralling logos at our finger tips.
To be candid, 3D logos to an extent have a wide spectrum of applications. They can be used on newsletters, business cards and bill boards among others. And really, such dimension of graphics can bring about rewarding experiences for a company since it goes a long way to create lasting impressions on the public. That actually means that the number of clients of a company can actually be increased by adopting a 3D logo. However, the aim of embracing such a logo will be defeated if simplicity is put aside. Also, showcasing products and services to a target audience through the logo is of paramount importance.