Understanding the Psychology of Logo Colors in Leaflet Design
Posted on July 27, 2019 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Branding says everything about your business. Some of the largest companies in the world have spent millions of dollars branding and rebranding their logos to connect with their customers and showcase their beliefs.
Some brand logos are iconic, some rememberable, and others not so much. So what makes a logo stand out? What are the logo colors, fonts, and design that produce an attractive and enticing logo?
In this article, we will explore how colors play with our emotions and how thorough designers have to be when creating a logo.
The Psychology of Color
You’ve heard of the practice of psychology – the study of the mind and behavior – but did you know there’s such a thing as the psychology of color?
The psychology of color refers to the way people feel or what they think when they see a specific color. Color is fascinating, in that it provokes emotions, thoughts, feelings when it’s seen, though we rarely pay attention to it. Color can alter our thinking.
When designers are creating a logo, like those at Leaflet Distribution Dublin, understanding the spectrum of color is significant and essential. Each color speaks to us differently, and how they use that color within the logo is instrumental in communicating the brand’s philosophy.
Questions, Questions, Questions
Designing a logo can be a fun and exciting time. It means you’re finally launching your business and you’re ready to show the world who you are. But there are a few questions to ask yourself about your business.
Here are some to consider:
- Who is your target market? Male or female?
- Is your brand whimsical or down-to-earth?
- Is the brand trendy or classy?
- What’s the age of your ideal customer?
- Is your ideal customer wealthy or more middle-class?
These questions might seem silly at first. But once you start digging deeper into your brand, you’ll learn how to create a logo that truly speaks to your company correctly. And, also, you’ll probably even solidify your brand even further!
Logo Colors: What They Convey
As mentioned before, colors make us feel certain emotions, even though we may not realize it at the time. Walk into a room that’s painted blue, and you’ll get the sense of a calming atmosphere. Enter a bright, cheery yellow room, and you’ll sense the complete opposite.
Even though there are variations of every color, in general, the color itself speaks something to us. Here is an essential color emotion guide on how each color makes us feel and think.
Colors are divided into two categories – warm and cool. Let’s take a look at the warm colors.
Warm Colors
Warm colors are all very similar in that they produce many of the same emotions, but all in their unique way.
Red is associated with fire, passion, gumption, and an overall go-get-’em attitude. Males, in particular, are drawn to this color. If you want to grab anyone’s attention, red is the color to use as it creates a sense of urgency. Red is known to increase heart rate, getting people pumped up for whatever comes their way.
Although orange is not as in-your-face as red, it still deserves a nod. Orange promotes friendliness, playfulness, and possess overall energy. This color is especially approachable if you’re working with children.
Despite what some say, yellow isn’t for the mellow! Yellow is like a bright smiley face, meant to bring joy, happiness, warmth, and cheerfulness to any logo. Yellow is unique, in that it needs to be balanced with other colors because too much or too little leaves you distracted or overwhelmed.
Cool Colors
Now that we’ve had a chance to get to know the warm colors let’s take a closer look at their opposites – cool colors.
Blue is one of the most popular logo colors, with about 33% of brands using some form of blue. This color presents tranquility, peace, and maturity. If you want people to trust you (and your brand) adding blue is a perfect choice.
Green is naturally associated with the outdoors, and that’s exactly what it conveys. This color is all about newness, whether it be a change in health or even wealth. Seeing the color green brings us peace and a desire to promote growth in our lives.
Purple is the color of luxury. Red and blue create this striking color used for those who wish to communicate boldness, power, and passion. Purple showcases a grand and distinguished brand with just a hint of mystery.
Surprised to learn that brown is a cool color? Brown is a more serious color, appealing mostly to a male audience for it’s earthy, tough-guy persona. Even though brown is not as popular as the other colors, using it can be tricky or brilliant.
Black and White
These two colors are in a category by themselves. Black is modern, trendy, sleek, and sophisticated, but could also be seen as harsh. White expresses youthfulness, purity, and innocence.
While they do well on their own as a logo color, they’re even more powerful when combined with the colors above.
Combining these two to get gray or even silver indicates a similar feel to blue – maturity with a touch of seriousness. The hue matters as well, because a darker gray gives off a bolder feel, while a lighter silver adds approachability.
Color for Your Brand
A logo without color is like a business without a personality. Logo colors speak to your clients and customers and represent who you are as a brand. Choosing the right ones will propel you forward for a bright future.
Ready to get started on your logo today? For free? Check out our online logo maker and be on your way to promoting your brand today!
5 Secrets to Strong Branding in the Digital Age
Posted on June 24, 2019 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

A brand is not a tangible object that you can hold in your hands. A company like Google, which is currently worth a staggering $286 billion, attributes its success to strong branding. If you were to define branding in the simplest terms possible, it’s that emotional connection that a consumer will have to a brand.
Research indicates that 45% of people will stop following a brand if it concentrates on talking about its products only. Another 73% say customer service is the main reason why the fall in love with a particular brand. Branding is, therefore, very important for any business.
Strong Branding in the Digital Age
The digital platform has given rise to so many opportunities for businesses to engage with consumers. It’s, therefore essential that a company knows how to brand on this platform. A proper brand strategy should guide all your brand building activities to ensure that your communication remains compelling and effective.
A brand has many facets to it, including the visual and verbal identity, the tone of voice, and the mission statement or philosophy.
Why Branding Is Important
Branding is important for several reasons including:-
• Branding will help identify and distinguish your company and products from others.
• It’ll determine how people view your company
• It increases the value of a business because people want to deal with a strong company
• The public will trust a company that has taken the time to establish its credibility
• customers will remain loyal to a strong brand due to the emotional connection with the company
• It is important for employee satisfaction and pride
• Branding and marketing are intertwined and work hand-in-hand to increase company awareness
Top Branding Secrets in the Digital Age
Use of digital media can be a boon for business. You reach a wide audience, and you have so many tools you can use to generate awareness for your company.
There are several advantages of branding but you will need to know how to do it right. Let us look into five ideas which will help with branding your company online and offline.
1. Understand Your Audience
Understanding your audience is the most fundamental step when it comes to marketing and branding. Take your time to understand who you’re talking to. Come up with a complete profile of your target.
Take consideration of factors such as education, income levels, age, sex, marital status, among others. You also need to pay close attention to their purchasing behavior and any other interests they may have.
Go a step farther by putting people who fit your profile into a room and talk to them. Focus groups will help you understand how your brand can respond to their needs.
2. Be Clear About Your Brand Values
Look at the leading brands in the market, and you will realize that they all have very clear mission statements. These values form a major part of how they run their businesses and how they communicate with their customers. You can’t start the process of brand-building without a philosophy or guiding statement.
3. A Strong Brand Narrative is Important
Building a strong brand narrative requires that you have a proper understanding of what your consumer is looking for. How does your product benefit the customer, and what makes you unique. If for example, your company deals in luxury items, understanding why an individual will spend large amounts of money on such items is important.
It’ll require that you take into consideration factors such as image, impact, social status, personal life, among others. Now look for a way to tie in that understanding of the consumer into your brand. Whatever communication You send out after that should resonate with your customers so that they connect with it.
4. Have a Personality
Think about your brand as you would a human being. A person with a great personality is likely to have a lot of friends. People will respond well to a brand that has an identity, and one which will help elevate the individual’s status in society.
People know the Mercedes for its elegance and durability. The Ferrari and Lamborghini are a sign of wealth and an aspect of risk-taking. Dove is known for purity, Harley-Davidson motorbikes for rebels among others.
5. Get the Right Branding Support
There are certain aspects you need to consider when working on your branding. These include getting the right name, logo, slogan, among others.
The right brand name will help differentiate you from the competitors. Strong brands have strong names, but get a name that has meaning. Try not to localize it too much in case you scale your business.
Also, consider your target when picking a name, if you’re selling kids products; make the name child-friendly so that it resonates well with the target group
Generating the right slogan is equally important. You will find many online tools to help generate multiple slogans for you. Slogan generating will only be possible if you have a proper understanding of your brand values. Also factor in what makes your product unique. A great slogan is memorable, emotional, states the promise, among others.
The right logo will become the symbol by which people identify your company. Think about the Nike swoosh, Apple logo, Toyota, Mercedes, among others. Even without the brand name next to it, you can identify these companies easily due to the well thought out product branding.
Elevate Your Company Through Proper Branding
We have shared with you invaluable tips on how to build a brand. Strong branding will require that you follow some of the steps we have highlighted above so that you can achieve your goals easily. The things you need to keep in mind are the target market, what makes you unique, what are your values, does your business have a personality, and does it have a good name and logo.
Invest in proper research on your industry. You also need to keep a pulse on what your competitors are doing. They are a great source of information on what to do and what not to do.
Take advantage of the tools and resources available on the online platform. You can also bookmark our website for great tips on how to grow your business.
6 Ways to Spruce Up Your Branding and Marketing
Posted on June 23, 2019 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

On average, businesses in the U.S. spend approximately 11 percent of their total budget on branding and marketing.
Clearly, a strong brand and marketing strategy is crucial if you want your business to succeed long-term.
Has it been a while since you adjusted your business’s branding and marketing strategy? If so, you could be negatively affecting your profitability.
If you’re not sure where to begin, keep reading.
Listed below are some of the best steps you can take to improve your marketing and branding approach.
1. Do a “Value Check”
If it’s been a while since you’ve revisited your company’s values, now is the perfect time to do so. Think about your business’s mission and the values upon which your company is built.
After doing this, ask yourself whether your marketing and branding techniques align with those values. If they don’t, it’s time to make some adjustments.
This will help you to build customer loyalty and make your business more credible and trustworthy.
2. Use High-Quality Images
No matter what kind of marketing material you’re putting out, you ought to make sure you’re using high-quality images.
Try to use real images of your employees and your business when you can, too. Don’t rely too much on generic stock photos.
3. Make Videos
Video ought to be a key component of your marketing and branding strategy, too.
Video marketing is all the rage right now, and tons of people watch videos online every day. Meet your customers and connect with them where they are and you’ll likely see some significant growth in your business.
4. Host an Event
Another great way to build your business and get people interested in what you have to offer is to host a live event.
Use this event to showcase your products and get to know your customers and their needs better.
Be sure to use a great poster maker and utilize online marketing tools to help you advertise the event and get people excited about it.
5. Give Something Away
This might seem counterintuitive at first. Giving something away for free can be a powerful marketing tool and can help people to connect with your brand.
Consider sending out a weekly email newsletter providing information about your business, your products or services, and tips that your customers can implement into their own lives.
Sharing knowledge helps you to build trust and show your customers you appreciate them.
6. Partner with a Professional
If you’re totally lost when it comes to boosting your branding and marketing strategies, consider hiring a professional.
Working with a marketing consultant, even if it’s just for a short time, can help you learn the latest and great techniques and figure out what mistakes you’re making that are causing your business to lag behind.
Improve Your Branding and Marketing Today
As you can see, there are lots of ways you can go about enhancing the branding and marketing for your business.
Which one of these strategies are you going to try first?
If you need help designing a new logo for your business, we can help.
Check out our free logo maker tool today to create an eye-catching, high-quality logo that is sure to attract people’s attention.
3 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Realtor Logo
Posted on May 04, 2019 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Are you looking to design or redesign your realtor logo, but not sure which direction to take?
Whether you’re a first-time realtor or a seasoned vet looking to do some rebranding, your logo is one of the most important things to consider.
Creativity alone is not enough to make an awesome logo. You need to make sure your logo is sending the right message to clients.
There are a few common mistakes that people make when designing logos. And if you’re making one of these mistakes, there’s a good chance you’re costing yourself some clients.
Keep reading to find out the top 3 mistakes you’re making with your realtor logo — and how to avoid them.
Mistake #1: Your Logo is Too Cluttered
Crazy fonts, bright colors, multiple images. With everything you need to consider, it certainly can be easy to get carried away when designing a logo.
While it’s important to make sure your logo conveys a message to your target audience, you don’t want to go overboard.
If your logo has too much going on, it can be hard for your audience to make out the texts and the images. Not to mention, a cluttered logo can make you appear unprofessional and even somewhat desperate. No business wants that!
But how do you fix a logo that’s too cluttered?
If you want to make a great impression on your clients, you need to create a realtor logo that is clear and concise. Take a hard look at your logo. Then, go ahead and remove anything that isn’t necessary. Stick to only one font. Try to pick only a couple of colors that work well together.
While minimalistic logos may seem boring, they send the message that you rely on your services to make the sale.
Mistake #2: Sticking to Cliches
Obviously, if you’re in the business of selling houses, you want to create a logo that lets your audience know that’s what you do.
However, the real estate industry is already littered with logos that contain pictures of houses.
To avoid this cliche, try to think of ways you can take the house image to another level. Or, pick a different image that speaks to the name of your brand. Great Blue Real Estate did this with their logo, and it works flawlessly.
Mistake #3: Following Trends
Remember the unicorn color trend that everyone was excited about for all of five minutes?
While it’s fun to hop on trends as a consumer, you don’t want to be using them as inspiration for your logo design. This is because, as we all know, trends come and go.
If you try to make your design too trendy, you run the risk of becoming dated.
Instead, go with classic, timeless designs that you won’t need to update every few months.
Realtor Logo: Wrap Up
We hope this article helps you get on the right track for your logo design.
If you have any questions regarding your real estate logo, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.