3 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Realtor Logo
Posted on May 04, 2019 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Are you looking to design or redesign your realtor logo, but not sure which direction to take?
Whether you’re a first-time realtor or a seasoned vet looking to do some rebranding, your logo is one of the most important things to consider.
Creativity alone is not enough to make an awesome logo. You need to make sure your logo is sending the right message to clients.
There are a few common mistakes that people make when designing logos. And if you’re making one of these mistakes, there’s a good chance you’re costing yourself some clients.
Keep reading to find out the top 3 mistakes you’re making with your realtor logo — and how to avoid them.
Mistake #1: Your Logo is Too Cluttered
Crazy fonts, bright colors, multiple images. With everything you need to consider, it certainly can be easy to get carried away when designing a logo.
While it’s important to make sure your logo conveys a message to your target audience, you don’t want to go overboard.
If your logo has too much going on, it can be hard for your audience to make out the texts and the images. Not to mention, a cluttered logo can make you appear unprofessional and even somewhat desperate. No business wants that!
But how do you fix a logo that’s too cluttered?
If you want to make a great impression on your clients, you need to create a realtor logo that is clear and concise. Take a hard look at your logo. Then, go ahead and remove anything that isn’t necessary. Stick to only one font. Try to pick only a couple of colors that work well together.
While minimalistic logos may seem boring, they send the message that you rely on your services to make the sale.
Mistake #2: Sticking to Cliches
Obviously, if you’re in the business of selling houses, you want to create a logo that lets your audience know that’s what you do.
However, the real estate industry is already littered with logos that contain pictures of houses.
To avoid this cliche, try to think of ways you can take the house image to another level. Or, pick a different image that speaks to the name of your brand. Great Blue Real Estate did this with their logo, and it works flawlessly.
Mistake #3: Following Trends
Remember the unicorn color trend that everyone was excited about for all of five minutes?
While it’s fun to hop on trends as a consumer, you don’t want to be using them as inspiration for your logo design. This is because, as we all know, trends come and go.
If you try to make your design too trendy, you run the risk of becoming dated.
Instead, go with classic, timeless designs that you won’t need to update every few months.
Realtor Logo: Wrap Up
We hope this article helps you get on the right track for your logo design.
If you have any questions regarding your real estate logo, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
These Real Estate Logos Sink the Sale Every Time: What Can You Learn from Them?
Posted on January 04, 2019 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Are you starting up a business in real estate?
The real estate market is one of the biggest and most successful markets today. In fact, the market’s expected to generate $534.83 in revenue in 2022.
Yes, the numbers show you can make a regular income in real estate. However, it’s not an easy trade to step into because of the ever-changing market and high competition. If you want to succeed, you have to stand out from the rest. One important step is to look at real estate logos.
Your logo is an important part of your real estate business. It’s normally one of the first things your clients see and it’ll set the tone for your entire business.
Take a look at the realty logo of successful companies and learn a thing or two from them.
1. Stribling
What makes the logo of Stribling successful is its simplicity. The logo is only spelling out the company’s name, nothing more than that. That’s all they needed to imprint themselves in their client’s minds.
Keeping it short and simple is one way for you to become successful like they are. That said, it never hurts to do something to make yours stand out among the rest though.
Take another look at Stribling’s logo. Notice that their elegant font style.
This is a custom font that they had someone create specifically for their logo. It ensures no one else uses that font but them, making it one of a kind.
It’s also worth noting that they used the color red. They made their color choice to show boldness and desire, two things most people looking into the real estate market need to buy a house. This makes them even more relatable and thus, trustworthy.
2. Christie’s International Real Estate
Here’s one of the commercial real estate logos that prove simplicity can go a long way. At first glance, there’s nothing that stands out with the logo of Christie’s International. All it has is the company’s name and what they do below it.
Though it’s simple, there’s a reason Christie’s rose in success despite being younger than most real estate companies.
One crucial reason is their use of an old style logo design. This contrasts many competitors that utilize a sleek and modern visual style.
Back when the company started, they didn’t have the means or necessity to make their logos extravagant like how most logos are today. Using this style of logo design attracts customers because the company looks older and experienced than it is.
This makes people believe that they must be doing something right to last this long.
3. Compass
Compass makes their logo with simplicity and purpose.
They set an example saying that a successful logo doesn’t need to cost much, it only needs to be clever. This philosophy also helps consumers remember it better.
Notice how they fashioned the letter “O” in their name. They added the little slash inside the letter so it symbolizes a compass. Now their company name gets represented in a 2-in-1 logo.
Designs like this also helps raise consumer engagement. People get to talk about their logo. Keeping their name in casual conversations makes it more likely that their clients trust them more since it’s likely they heard about them.
Also, it’s worth noting that their logo is colorless. They did this to makes sure that even during printing errors, their logo comes out looking the way it’s supposed to. This is also useful when you’re on a budget.
4. Equal Housing Opportunity
One way to come up with a great logo is to denote what your company does.
In real estate, Equal Housing Opportunity does this best. At first, it may look boring but upon taking a deeper look at their thought process, it becomes the most ingenious real estate agency logo.
Their logo is simple: a house with an equal sign inside. Most people think that it’s because it’s their name, but it also shows their business services. A glance at their logo and most people will know that they provide quality and equal services for everyone.
Smart, isn’t it?
Once you realize that it also helps people remember what their name is, you’ll go from thinking they’re smart to thinking whoever came up with that logo is a genius. It’s also so you don’t need to speak and understand the same language to know what they offer.
5. Warburg Realty
If you’re an already successful company looking to upgrade your logo design, then you may want to take some inspiration from Warburg Realty’s logo.
There is no reason you shouldn’t boast about your milestones like they do. Being in the business for more than 100 years is something you should let your clients know about.
Doing this makes them one of the most trustworthy companies today. Everyone who sees their logo will feel comfortable being in their care. This also makes it so they’re less likely to barge in thinking they know better.
Try to do the same and incorporate your company’s achievements in your next logo design. More people will approach you while browsing for potential realtors. That is what a marketing logo does best.
That said, try to make its inclusion clever like how Warburg did. Listing it down will make your logo look like a resume instead. Failure will only increase your chances of getting turned down.
6. StreetEasy
StreetEasy’s logo blends simplicity with the use of modern forms of communication. It’s also a perfect representation of the services they provide. StreetEasy provides information on the real estate market for those who are unaware.
Since their primary clients are New York citizens, their service is quite popular. Many people move in and out of New York on a regular basis. If you’re looking for a place there, you need someone who has their ear to the ground.
StreetEasy provides such a service, and people know that in an instant. The logo features a building in a speech bubble. Their design shows they’re proficient in talking about real estate.
It also shows people that they provide a space to discuss real estate. Most people feel lost when it comes to buying a new home, especially in the Big Apple.
StreetEasy’s logo hints at a solution. With their in-depth knowledge on New York real estate, their turnkey rates are at an all-time high in comparison to other real estate service providers. And if you’re wondering ‘what does turnkey mean?’, read up and learn more about it here.
7. Ebby Halliday Realtors
One tactic to come up with an amazing real estate logo is to use your reputation. Ebby Halliday Realtors does that in an effective way.
Ebby Halliday was a successful realtor back in her day. She made this company to carry on her legacy and her name. The logo stands in as a representation of how successful she’s become.
Over the years, people changed how the logo looked. They still retained the essence of the logo, though. This was an important decision because they want people to know it’s the same company as before.
A lot of companies, whether in real estate or not, tend to do this. Some companies, like Coca-Cola, kept a similar design through-out the decades while others only keep one crucial element as they change everything else.
Ebby Halliday’s logo also serves as an inspiration for other female realtors. This results in many female realtors looking to get a spot in their ranks. This is also why they have a lot of manpower at their disposal.
8. Partners Trust
One way to make your logo mean more is to define something you’re good at in it. Take Partners Trust, for example. Their logo is the literal embodiment of cutting edge.
This is a great fit for them because their services are fast with guaranteed success. They set the standard of how real estate markets should handle their sales. It also sets the tone of how their employees handle their clients.
Notice how there’s also no clutter around their logo. This is because most printing companies charge depending on the logo’s design. This allows them to print their logo for less if they need more copies.
Your company should follow suit. Make sure people can recognize your logo at a distance or when you print it small for pamphlets or business cards. Remove the clutter and focus on an easily recognizable shape.
Design Your Real Estate Logos Today
Make a good first impression on your clients by having a well-designed logo. This is important if you want to make it out as a successful real estate company. Use these companies with amazing real estate logos as inspiration for yours.
Their designs should inspire simple, clever, and cost-efficient logos of your own. What are you waiting for? Get to designing now!
Nowadays, even real estate agencies offer their services online in some cases. See how you can choose a logo for marketing your digital services here! This will make it so you can keep up with the leading websites and not lag behind them.
5 Professional Fonts for Real Estate Logo Design
Posted on September 19, 2018 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

When it comes to your real estate logo design, you know that the colors, copy, and images you choose matter.
However, don’t overlook the importance of typography.
Choose the right font, and your branding will connect with customers no matter where you put your logo. Choose the wrong one, and your logo could look unprofessional or outright illegible.
In this post, we’ll give you 5 examples of fonts that will increase your brand recognition and help you get your message across in a matter of seconds.
1. Times New Roman
Especially in today’s era of minimalist trends in logo design, there’s nothing that quite says “professionalism” like this classic font.
For example, let’s say you primarily sell and rent condos that are run by private landlords.
Using Times New Roman in your logo design will help assure potential clients that you’ve done your due diligence when it comes to vetting these landlords. It communicates a message of thoroughness and authority, as it’s used in so many newspapers.
2. Arial
If you know that your logo will be displayed in a variety of locations, then Arial is an excellent font choice for you.
This font is easy-to-read no matter the size of your logo. So, if you need to resize your design to place it on business cards, “For Sale” signs, and your social media accounts, go for this option.
3. Proxima Nova
This is one of the newer fonts on our list, but you might recognize it from the logos of Spotify and Twitter.
Using a font that’s associated with the millennial market is a great way to connect with buyers who are purchasing their first homes.
Especially if your real estate business has a popular blog and several social media platforms, this font will help you find your ideal client.
4. Bodoni
Looking for a font that helps you to connect with a specific section of the housing market?
If so, look no further than Bodoni.
This font, used by Vogue Magazine, Calvin Klein, and other luxury-associated brands, is perfect for real estate agents that deal in penthouses and sprawling estates.
5. Go Custom
Don’t see the perfect font for your real estate business on this list?
If not, then it may be time to create one for yourself. Hire a professional font designer to create a vision for your logo’s copy that’s all your own.
Having a unique font won’t just help you to stand out from your competition. It will also work to build brand recognition, as people will associate your specific font with your company.
Start the Real Estate Logo Design Process
Just like finding the perfect house for a client, you likely won’t get your real estate logo design right the first time.
Using the information contained in this post and the countless others on our website, draw up several potential designs. Then, poll your coworkers, friends, and followers to see which one is the most effective.
Designing your next logo is simple with our free online logo maker tool — so check it out today, and start creating.
9 Unique Real Estate Logo Ideas
Posted on March 11, 2018 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

With over 2 million real estate agents in the United States, the competition is fierce. It’s more important than ever to set yourself apart from every other real estate agent around.
Which is why branding is so important. Part of an effective branding strategy is having a logo so clients can easily recognize you.
But you need to make sure your logo is unique. Here are some great real estate logo ideas to help get you started.
1. Use Color
When you’re looking for real estate logo ideas, what colors you want to use should be the first thing you think about. Colors are extremely important as each color conveys a different meaning.
Don’t go overboard on using colors. Too much and it will be confusing to people. You want to choose one or two colors that represent your brand best.
Try not to use colors that are trendy. Your goal is to create a logo that has lasting power.
It’s also possible to make a huge splash just by using black and white images.
2. Think of Symbols Outside the Home
When people think of real estate logo ideas, most think of using a house or some type of a dwelling. Except, that’s not really very memorable.
Instead, try using a symbol that might stick in people’s minds a bit longer. Geometric shapes would work well for the real estate industry.
Another way is to use images from nature to still convey a homey feeling without using an actual home. You could also use symbols from within the home as well.
Get creative and use symbols that symbolize who you are as a brand.
3. Make it Timeless
Your goal for creating real estate logo ideas is to find something that will stand the test of time. While certain trending ideas are useful, you don’t want to have to come back two years later and create something new.
Rather, try to find a logo that can be tweaked if it needs to be updated. The Quaker Oats brand has been using a Quaker on their cereal for over a century.
When they finally did some updates, it actually took them years of careful crafting before they made the changes.
4. Stick With Your Name
There are two options for real estate log ideas when you use your name. You can use your initials and design a really great monogram logo.
It’s perfect for people who either have very long names or difficult names to pronounce. You can also get creative with the various types of fonts and sizes that are available.
You can choose to use the monogram and another symbol or just use the monogram itself.
You can also choose to use your full name. Again, there are a variety of font styles and sizes you can use.
The best part is that your name will never go out of fashion. If in the future, you do need to make some updated changes, a new font can give you a whole new updated look.
If you do decide to go with a monogram or use your full name, make sure you’re fully committed to using your name for the rest of your career. Meaning, if you get married and take the other person’s name, you’d have to change your logo and branding strategies.
5. Make Your Real Estate Logo Ideas Fun
Buying or selling property is stressful for owners and buyers. Which is why it’s a good idea to create real estate logo ideas that are fun.
If part of your brand is that you make finding a dream home a fun and inspiring experience, then use symbols or artwork that show off your fun side.
Nike uses a swirl for their logo. It has nothing to do with running or shoes. But it does leave a lasting impression on people.
6. Keep It Simple
Whatever you do, keep your real estate logo ideas simple. Do not overcomplicate it.
You’re trying to gain a positive first impression with people. You do not want to confuse clients.
Sometimes you’ll see a company doing an advertising campaign that’s so outside the box that it leaves the viewer confused. That doesn’t help boost sales.
Instead, be creative but keep it simple.
7. Use a Slogan
A great slogan is one avenue you can take for your real estate logo ideas. A slogan is memorable and will always be attached to you.
Take the slogan, “looking out for your next move.” It has two meanings and is memorable. When a client is looking at Boise ID homes for sale, they now know who to call first.
Don’t make the slogan too long or complicated. A simple sentence that’s memorable and witty is enough.
8. Most the Most Out of Negative Space
The information on your logo doesn’t need to take up the entire space. Instead, leave some room for negative space.
You can actually do a lot with negative space. Take the FedEx logo, for instance.
Their use of negative space is so ingenious that most people don’t even realize they’re seeing an arrow in the “Ex” part of FedEx. Hidden images are fun and creative.
It’s subtle, yet powerful.
Negative space also forces the eye to be drawn to whatever is there. You could create a very simple logo with so much negative space that people have no option but to see your logo.
9. Active Versus Passive
Real estate agents are extremely busy. You’re always on the go.
Your real estate logo ideas can incorporate your active lifestyle into your brand. A bird in flight can show that someone is on the move.
You could even use a photo of a home that looks like it’s in motion.
You might also consider using a passive type of logo. That would convey that once you sell a home, the resident is there forever.
Make Your Free Logo Now
Don’t wait to set yourself apart from your competition. Get started making a new logo for yourself now.
It’s easy to get started. Check our tutorial that shows you how to create your own logo.