4 Design Tips for Your Law Logo to Raise the Bar
Posted on July 11, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Lawyers take a lot of undeserved heat online.
You can find literally thousands of lawyer jokes with just a few quick searches. For the most part though, those old jokes are pretty played out.
But you know what else is played out? The law logos that most law firms decide to go with for their signs and letterhead.
A gavel or the scales of justice might look pretty good to you. But remember, it looks good to just about every law firm out there, as well.
So get creative with your law logo, and do something that will stand out. Here are some tips.
1. Old Law Logo, New Design
There actually isn’t anything wrong with a classic design.
A pillar, the scales of justice, or a gavel communicate what you do quickly. Even without the words “law firm”, people will understand that the law is your business.
However, that doesn’t mean choosing the first stock photo of a gavel and calling it a day. Try a creative spin on a traditional logo that represents your business. We’ve seen gavels and pillars made from newspapers, lighthouses, and even animals.
The point is that you can still use old standbys if you give them a new twist.
2. Build From A Letter
Many great logos are built from a single point.
That often includes the first letter of one of the names of the partners. Do two or three partners’ names start with the same letter?
Even better.
Using a letter, especially a somewhat rare letter, as the focal point in a logo is a great way to make your brand stick out. For instance, a business like Zanes Law capitalize on the unusual nature of the Z in their name.
3. Use The Logo To Tell People What You Do
Sometimes the quickest way to get across your speciality is through the logo.
Incorporating a man and a woman into your logo as a divorce attorney brings the point home quickly.
A cast or a crutch incorporated into your design tells people immediately that you work on personal injury cases. We’ve even seen the scales of justice created from marijuana leaves. They work in a niche market.
What you’re doing is creating a memorable connection for customers. It tells them exactly what you do and how you can help.
4. Use The Power of Your Name
Simply using the names of your law firm isn’t a bad idea.
In fact, many law firms rely on the power of their name for attracting customers. It’s a big part of how they build their reputation and their brand.
The problem that most run into is with the execution of the design. Try pairing the name with icons, or go with a monogram. The idea is to come across as professional, while inspiring confidence in the strength and integrity of your business.
Ready To Create Your Logo?
Still looking for the perfect law logo for your firm? Then give Online Logo Maker a try!
It’s fast, easy, and comes with a tutorial to help you get your logo up and running in no time.
Creating Cohesive Branding With a Law Firm Logo Design
Posted on July 07, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

What are the keys to an effective law firm logo design?
In the United States alone, there are over 47,000 law firms, making for a highly competitive business environment.
How can a law firm stand out from the competition?
First impressions are critically important when it comes to recruiting new clientele. A strong logo design is one way that a law firm can stand out.
A great logo design quickly informs potential clients what the law firm stands for.
Read on to learn more about strategies to design the perfect law firm logo design.
Simple is Best when it comes to Law Firm Logo Designs
Take a quick scan of the top 5 largest law firms in the United States. What is the common denominator?
Each logo is simply the law firm’s name, sometimes with no background whatsoever.
The primary variables are color and font.
Prospective clients will literally absorb a logo design in seconds. If the design is complicated, the client will likely just move on, taking nothing away from the logo.
On the other hand, a simple logo design will be easily processed and even easier to remember.
Another important consideration is how the logo fits on everything from a billboard to official letterhead.
Notice that the top five largest law firms simply use its name as the logo. A law firm name will fit on advertising or marketing materials regardless of size.
What Roles do Colors Play in Logo Design?
The importance of colors cannot be stressed enough. Each color has a connotation associated with it.
For instance, green typically has a positive connotation. In the business management arena, green may indicate that a project is on time and under budget.
Colors can also be representative of client emotions.
Take the color blue as an example. Blue is a cool color and suggests passive emotions. When people see the color blue, they naturally have feelings of relaxation and content.
Envision that a potential client is searching for an embezzlement lawyer. The use of the color blue in the logo may put clients at ease, leading them to feelings of calm.
Considering the seriousness of embezzling charges, a law firm looking to earn a client’s business will certainly want to create an aura of calm.
Font is Another Important Logo Variable
Font is another simple way to send a message to clientele. While there may be an urge to use a flashy font, the real key is maintaining simplicity.
First, logo font must be easy to read. Remember, clients will absorb a logo design in a brief moment.
Second, logo designers will choose between classical and modern fonts. Each type of font has a connotation associated with it.
A classic font may suggest that the law firm is established and has decades of experience. On the opposite end, a modern font may tell prospective clients that the firm is relatable and current with fresh legal trends.
Completing a Great Logo
There are many other important facets to logo design. Ultimately, law firms should strive to keep it simple, focusing on the essential variables like color and font.
A simple logo will quickly and clearly let potential clients know what the law firm is all about. Drop a comment below or share this on social media to initiate a wider discussion on creating an effective logo design.
5 Legal Marketing Trends to Shape Your Lawyer Logo
Posted on July 06, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Designing your new lawyer logo, but not sure where to start?
Well, check out these legal marketing statistics before initiating the design process and watch your website traffic increase!
Keep up with the Joneses.
Normally this is terrible advice. EXCEPT when it comes to marketing and websites. Our attention spans shorten almost as fast as technology changes, making it imperative for business owners to deliver their messages quickly and efficiently.
What does this mean for your legal marketing plan?
Get used to video content. Outside of meeting in person, quality video content on a website’s landing page has been proven to increase conversion rates by as much as eighty percent.
Build your client base with branded content.
Many law firms are experiencing increased traffic and conversion rates by spreading their video messages on social networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
Listen, we all know family and friends are great for referrals…
But when it comes to spreading your law firm’s message – especially in areas of expertise, nothing beats social media.
For example, in a lawsuit funding situation, the bulk of your business comes from media sources. In emergency situations, people respond to professionalism and the clear message that you can help them solve their problem.
Your clients (new and old) will consider you a reliable source of information, as long as they understand what your message is.
By posting informative blogs and quality videos promoting awareness of your specific message, site visitors will come to trust you and eventually convert to paying customers.
Chat yourself up.
Since you’re going there with branded legal video content, why not start a podcast and talk about it?
Easy to create and enjoyable to listen to, podcasts were seen as last year’s marketing industry disruptors.
Podcasts offer you numerous opportunities to send traffic to your site:
- Invite your lawyer colleagues on as guests.
- Discuss the details of famous cases happening in the news.
- Engage your core audience by touting your legal specialty.
Design your lawyer logo around your specific message.
Only after you’ve clearly defined the specific message you want to share with your audience should you go about designing your lawyer logo.
What do you want to communicate about your company and its mission statement? How is your approach unique to customers? Is it lighthearted? Seriously ready to get down to business?
Clarifying how you want your business to appear makes a difference in the clientele you attract.
Law firms attract new clientele on the basis of the client feeling secure that their needs are being met. While this is true for most businesses, it is more important than ever that a law firm provides this comfort for their clients.
Utilizing LinkedIn, social media and quality video content to share your message creates a sense of familiarity, trust, and comfort for your core audience, increasing conversion rates.
When promoting niche areas like the aforementioned lawsuit funding scenario and others, social media is a goldmine of opportunity.
Share it with the world!
Now that you’ve clarified the message you want to send to your client, get to designing your unique lawyer logo!
Here are some additional tips:
- Try out one to three different designs that you like.
- Show them to your trusted friends and colleagues before deciding on a logo.
- Go easy on yourself – we’re all not Jony Ive!
- Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day – it might take a few tries before landing on a lawyer logo you really love.
- Once you’ve decided on a strong logo, incorporate it into ALL of your social media and email campaigns – remember – you want your clientele to be reminded of your awesome law firm every time they see it!
Designing your new lawyer logo is only the beginning of taking your business to the next level. For these and more tips, be sure to sign up for our blog!
What Are the Ethics for Law Firm Logos?
Posted on July 05, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Logos are a great way to quickly show clientele what a law firm is all about.
However, law firms need to exert caution as the use of logos may raise ethical concerns. In addition, law firm logos have the potential to be viewed as misleading or false advertising.
There are effective logo design strategies that will avoid these potential legal and ethical issues.
What is Behind a Law Firm Logo?
When it comes to a good law firm logo, every little detail should have a larger meaning behind it. This includes the color, the imagery, and the font, among many other potential variables.
Each color has natural connotations associated with it. For example, red is typically viewed with caution, just as a red flag. On the other hand, green has a positive connotation.
Fonts also have subtle meaning. Certain fonts may indicate a modern or more traditional approach to law.
What are Some Other Considerations for Law Firm Logos?
The most important consideration is that the logo is a quick and identifiable representation of what the law firm stands for. At the same time, the logo should be unique and recognizable.
While a scale may represent justice, it is also an overused cliché in the legal field. It is key to find an icon, shape, or image that sends a powerful message to clientele.
For instance, the Lexington Law Firm specializes in repair credit history and scores. Its website features an icon shaped as a bar graph with an upward arrow, indicating an increasing credit score.
Moreover, competitors’ logos should be taken into consideration. Adopting a logo that is overly similar to a competitor will be less effective and may confuse potential clients.
In some cases alone, an image or icon is not required and the firm’s name alone does the trick. There is a good reason why major corporations like Facebook, Google, and Ford simply use the company name as a logo.
Finally, ensure that the logo is easy and quick to read. If a client has to take the time to try and read it, the logo is a failure.
What Ethical and Legal Concerns Should be Considered?
In rare cases, certain symbols or text may be construed by a court of law as misleading or false advertising.
In one case in Iowa, a law firm was prohibited from marking its 100th anniversary in a logo as it constituted an advertisement. The court believed the law firm was attempting to characterize its long history and experience within the logo.
Another case in Florida involved a law firm logo featuring a pit bull. The court adopted the widely-held view that pit bulls are an aggressive breed of dog.
As a result, the state court deemed that the logo violated laws requiring legal entities to present factual information in a “nonsensational manner.”
The good news is that in the vast majority of cases, law firm logos are not considered questionable. When in doubt, seek out the guidance of the state where law is being practiced or the bar association.