5 Tips For Designing A Quality Lawyer Logo
Posted on September 22, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

There are more than 1.3 million active lawyers in the US.
While many of them work for established law firms, others are self-employed. As such, if you choose to start your own practice, you’re up against fierce competition.
Unless you’re also an expert in some non-legal field that makes you invaluable, you only have a few ways to stand out. One of those ways is with a quality lawyer logo.
Let’s dig in and look at some tips for creating the perfect logo for you.
Color Choice
If you’re just starting out, give some serious thought to your logo color choices.
There’s an entire area of research on how color influences emotion. A few go-to colors are blue and black.
Cool blues are associated with trustworthiness. Black is associated with authority and intelligence. Both are useful associations for a lawyer.
Keep the Lawyer Logo Consistent with the Brand
The exception to color choice is when your practice has already established a color scheme as part of its brand.
Say you picked colors with local resonance, such as ones similar to the local high school or college colors. If you committed to those colors, the logo design needs to stick with them.
A logo with drastically different colors is not only jarring, but it could confuse people when seen out of context.
If your existing branding includes a specific, memorable font, the logo needs to use that font for any text.
Aim for Simplicity
Memorable logos are easy to remember. In other words, they’re simple.
Think of it this way. How difficult is it to recall the 4-digit PIN for your debit card? How about your bank’s routing number?
You probably remembered your PIN instantly. The routing number, well, most people need to look that up.
The fewer the elements, the easier something is to recall. The stylized quill that Seatons Solicitors uses as a logo is an outstanding example of simplicity. It’s a single image.
Keeping your logo confined to a few essential elements, such as an image and a name, makes your logo memorable.
Local Competitor Research
The odds are that the final version of your logo will resemble at least one other logo somewhere in the world. Unless it looks like a trademarked logo, that isn’t your problem.
What you want to avoid is designing one that resembles the logo of a local competitor. If your logo resembles one of theirs, you may end up giving them free advertising.
Research your competition. Compare your design to their logos before you commit.
Make It Scalable
When you first start out, that logo will probably only go on your website, business cards, and letterhead. Someday, though, you might be successful enough to want to put it on a billboard.
That’ll be difficult if the only version you have is a JPEG image. When you scale that up, it’ll be an unrecognizable mess.
Make sure you have at least one copy of the logo in a scalable file format, such as scalable vector graphics (SVG). Then you can enlarge or decrease as you deem fit.
Parting Thoughts
Designing your lawyer logo takes a little creativity balanced with some practicality.
It should be appealing and consistent with your brand. It should also be original enough to avoid advertising for your competitors. Don’t forget to keep it in a file format that will scale to any need.
If you’re ready to design your logo, give our logo maker a try.
Tips for Creating a Memorable Legal Logo Design
Posted on August 30, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

There are nearly 50,000 law firms in the United States alone.
This means that, if you’re in the legal profession, sometimes it’s easier to win a case than it is to beat out your competition for clients.
How can you set your firm apart without compromising your sense of professionalism?
Your legal logo is the perfect foundation for all of your future branding.
Not sure where to start when it comes to what your design should include? Well settle in, because court is now in session.
Use Recognizable Symbols
When you present your case to a court, there are a few key pieces of evidence that you have to present to your jury to ensure that they trust you and can follow your arguments.
The same goes with the specific symbols you include in your legal logo.
You need to feature images that people casually passing by on the street, or browsing online, can instantly recognize as connected to the legal profession.
For example, look at the logo of LedgerLaw. It prominently features the Scales of Justice, being held up by Lady Justice herself. It’s impossible to get confused about what this company does.
When designing your logo, think along similar lines: a gavel, a jury box, or even a judge addressing a courtroom are all excellent images to use.
Stand Out With Your Font And Color Choices
If you’re using symbols that people commonly associate with the legal profession, you’re doing a lot to boost your brand recognition.
But you still need to find a way to set yourself apart from the 20-30 other firms practicing in your area.
This is where color and font choice come into play.
When people seek out legal services, it’s generally not always for the most positive reasons. It’s likely that your potential clients feel stressed out, on edge and totally overwhelmed.
The colors you include in your logo can help them to relax, and communicate to them that you have the expertise to help them emerge victorious. Avoid colors like red, which can raise blood pressure levels in already tense future clients.
Instead, focus on blues, greens, and other softer pastel shades. This evokes a sense of calmness, yet also tells clients your laser-focused on their case.
Typography can also help you to communicate a message of strength while ensuring people don’t confuse your firm with your competitor’s. Work with a font designer to come up with a unique font that’s all your own.
In addition to using it for the text on your logo, also include this font on your website, social media handles, and even business cards.
Ready To Bring Your Legal Logo To Life?
Thanks to this post, you know what to include and what to avoid when you create your legal logo.
As with evidence, you’ll likely need to spend some serious time crafting the perfect design. Avoid the temptation to rush through the process. Instead, use our free online logo maker tool to help you create several possible options.
Then, have your team and even your social media followers vote on their favorite.
Still in need of a little inspiration? Want to take the next step when it comes to branding?
Check out our blog for invaluable advice on how to get the most out of your logo — no matter where you place it.
Raise the Bar: 5 New Logo Designs Lawyers Will Love
Posted on August 24, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Benjamin Franklin once said that “The handshake of the host affects the taste of the roast.” This means what people have been saying for ages. A first impression is essential when it comes to introducing yourself. A new logo is like that handshake.
Moreover, a new logo is like a first impression to get people’s attention and make them choose you over the thousands of different options out there.
Why Should You Consider a New Logo?
Being savvy with the law and a great professional is, of course, great but this is the era of fast information and looks are equally important as services.
So, today, we will be talking about logo designs for law firms, a business which is usually considered conservative, but a logo can make it cool and approachable. These are five elements to keep in mind when designing your new logo for your law firm.
Tip #1: Keep It Simple
This is like the number one tip that designers love to give to their clients. Simple logos might be minimal and, sometimes, quite abstract. However, they still tell a story that, if it is simple, your client will get.
A perfect example of a simple logo created with our tool is Trident Debt Solutions’ one which can only be described as modern and simple.
Tip #2: But Always Classy
Let’s not hide behind our fingers. Being a lawyer always sounds fancy and quite classy to many people out there. And truth is that it is! You want your logo to show how important your profession is.
However, many people are confused about combining minimalism with class and they end up creating weird logos.
If you need an amazing example of class and modernism combined, Mr. Craig Swapp has the answer. His logo stands out and exhales trust and professionalism.
Tip #3: Avoid the Obvious
Yes. Putting a gavel or The Scales of Justice in your logo is an okay decision. But it still remains obvious and you might want to reconsider.
However, if you still want to include something like this in your business card or website, make sure you do this in an unconventional, cool way. Just like Cohen & Cohen did with their logo.
Tip #4: Consider Different Approaches
So, instead of an obvious artwork, what else should you use as a trademark in your logo? Just think out of the box. You can use an artwork based on your location, an iconic figure, or just a simple text logo.
Just keep brainstorming and we are sure that you will make it work! Everybody does.
Tip #5: Just Have Fun With It!
Everything starts with a new logo; that’s for sure. Your graphics are not just an engaging way to communicate with your clients but an element to inspire you and carry on with your great job as well.
Whatever you choose, there is only one thing you need to keep in mind. Have fun with it. Experiment, create, delete, and create again.
Take a look at our great online logo creator and make a great logo that will help your business stand out and gain more attention!
You Won’t Object to These 5 Debt Attorney Logos
Posted on August 14, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Want to design a debt attorney logo that makes your firm stand out from the others?
Whether you’re helping clients to pay off a mountain of credit card debt, deal with multiple debts, or file for bankruptcy, you need to put forward an image they can trust.
And that image starts with your logo.
That’s why we’re sharing five impressive law firm logos to help you get inspired.
1. Simple Text Logo
Not sure which elements to include in an attorney logo?
The Lebedin Kofman LLP logo looks pretty simple at first glance. It shows the initials of the two main partners, with their full names on the right-hand side.
It’s simple but effective, and the white text stands out clearly on the blue background.
The bottom of the logo is where things get interesting. Text reads, ‘New York Debt Relief Attorney’. This makes the location and purpose of the company crystal clear, which is what clients need.
There’s no point in specializing in debt law if your logo doesn’t reflect your expertise. Extra text is the easiest way to include this essential info.
2. Logo Based on Values
The Cohen and Cohen P.C. logo doesn’t scream ‘debt attorney’ as clearly as the one above, but still uses a relevant design.
The letter ‘C’ is repeated twice in a traditional font, giving a sense of professionalism.
The scales pictured within each ‘C’ are a nice visual representation of the kind of help they offer – literally helping clients to ‘balance’ their debt.
At the bottom of the logo are three words: ‘Quality. Service. Integrity.’ They’re subtle enough not to look overbearing, yet still convey the values of the firm clearly.
Consider integrating your key values into your logo design.
3. Image Logo Based on Firm Name
The logo for Trident Debt Solutions is bold, modern, and clear.
The words ‘Trident Debt Solutions’ make up the bulk of the logo, using a simple font and capital letters for increased clarity.
To the left of the text is a stylized image of a trident, made of three squares arranged into a triangle. The combination of multiple shapes could represent teamwork and cooperation, while the complete image brings to mind resolution.
If your firm’s name translates well into an image, try a few different designs and see what kind of values they communicate.
Avoid anything that’s too busy. Clarity and simplicity are key.
4. Logo Based on Geographic Location
The Ariano & Associates logo combines a modern image with a traditional font to get the best of both worlds.
A large letter ‘A’ is created using a single stroke, creating an impression of flow and connectedness.
The ‘A’ also resembles a mountain, reflecting the geographical location of the practice. This is a really smart move that will appeal to local clients.
5. Iconic Symbol Logo
The Lincoln Law logo makes clever use of an iconic image to create a sense of trust and integrity.
Sticking to a silhouette of Lincoln means that their logo doesn’t look too busy, but the message is still clear.
Using a traditional font for the company name enhances the overall appearance. It also speaks to the trustworthiness and integrity of the firm.
How to Design the Perfect Debt Attorney Logo
The best debt attorney logo will include some or all of the following:
- Clear communication of you values.
- An indication that you specialize in debt law, or a specific area, like non tax federal debt.
- Traditional elements to convey integrity.
- Modern elements to appear up-to-date.
- Memorable imagery.
Once you have a firm idea of what it is you’re trying to create, don’t be afraid to experiment!
Be sure to create a few different logos before you settle on your final design.