5 Gambling Logo Mistakes You’re Making
Posted on January 15, 2018 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

It’s time to design a new gambling logo. You might have some ideas in mind, but you may not be sure how to bring them all together.
Every day, we see about 5,000 logos. You want yours to be remembered for the right reasons, not because you made some critical mistakes along the way.
How do you make yours stand out from the thousands of logos and be remembered for the right reasons?
You start by knowing what mistakes you need to avoid when designing your logo. Read on for the top 5 mistakes you need to avoid to make your gambling logo stand out from the crowd.
What a Logo Is, and What It Isn’t
How important is a logo for your business? A logo is often the first impression you get of a business. It’s what people see first on a brochure, website or business card.
It then takes someone 10 seconds to form a first impression of your business by looking at your logo.
How can you create a unique gambling logo? Let’s start by going over what a logo is and isn’t.
A logo is:
- A visual representation of your brand
- Carefully researched and thought out
A logo is not:
- Just a couple of cool images put together
- To be taken lightly
- Your brand
What’s the difference between a logo and a brand? A brand is what your company stands for. It’s the values, name, customer service, company culture and everything that your business embodies.
Your logo is all of that wrapped up in a neat image that creates an emotional connection between your customers and your brand.
Mistake #1: No Planning or Research into the Logo
Plenty of gambling businesses create logos by slapping a few images together with the company name and think it looks cool, so they go to print it.
What they don’t realize is that just because it looks cool, the message of what the company is about isn’t there.
While a logo may look good to you, it may not connect with your customers, your employees, or anyone else. That’s why it’s necessary to plan your logo out before considering colors and fonts.
You’ll need to consider your target market, competition, and the first thing you want people to know about your business.
Also, ask yourself the following questions:
- What makes your company stand out from your competition?
- What are your company’s strengths?
- How do your customers think about your company? Is there anything you’d like to change?
- How do you talk about your business to someone for the first time?
By answering these questions, you’ll have the attributes of your company and the core of what you want your logo to say about your company.
Mistake #2: Your Logo Is an Instructional Drawing
If you’re creating a gambling logo, does it have to have someone standing at a slot machine for people to know what your company does?
Absolutely not.
You want your logo to be simple and memorable. You don’t have to be completely obvious when designing it.
For example, a logo for a boot company doesn’t have to have a boot in it, and a logo for a gambling business doesn’t have to have a stack of chips, or a slot machine or obvious imagery.
The logo isn’t there to tell people what you do. That’s why you have your website. It’s there to tell them about who your company is.
If your company targets men, then you should use colors like brown or blue in your logo to make that psychological connection.
Take a look at this blog post about understanding the tote at Betting Gods. First of all, their name is awesome. If you’re a bettor, odds are you’ve prayed the betting gods before.
Secondly, take a look at the logo. It’s colorful, creative and plays in its name. You know what the company does, and it’s a company that has a sense of humor.
Mistake #3: Logo Isn’t Scaled for Different Uses
Another common mistake you see is that the logo is designed with only one use in mind, usually for a website.
Always consider the different uses of your logo. Will it be used on t-shirts, brochures, letterhead, and your website?
These are vastly different uses and you want to be sure that your logo looks good in every instance.
Not taking this into consideration can result in having a logo that’s pixelated and looks poor.
That’s not the first impression you want to make.
Be sure to test your logo out in different environments before you settle on a final design.
Mistake #4: Your Gambling Logo Looks like Other Logos
There’s a difference between inspiration and copying someone’s logo outright.
You can find inspiration in different logos and adopt a typeface or a color, as long as it’s not trademarked.
However, if you copy someone’s logo outright, you’ll only confuse people. That also won’t reflect well on your company. You’ll look lazy or you’re trying to piggyback on someone else’s success.
Mistake #5: Your Logo Is Busy
Yes, there is a lot you want to convey in a logo. That does not give you license to pack as much information into your logo as possible.
Remember to keep it simple.
A major mistake people make when designing a logo is that they use too many fonts, and colors. They also try to do too much with it by having too many images.
Your best bet is to stick to one or two typefaces and a single image. You can decide to just have your name as the logo and use a single typeface like Betting Gods.
Make Your Gambling Logo Stand Out
Are you ready to design your gambling logo? After you’ve done your research and you have a few sketches to work with, you can start designing your logo.
OnlineLogoMaker.com is here to make your design process easy, even if you don’t have a design degree. There are countless templates, images, and fonts for you to design a high-quality logo without much hassle.
You can save your image and download it using a free or premium account.
Start designing your logo today.
What Makes a Highly Successful Casino Logo?
Posted on October 08, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Few aspects of your business are as important as your marketing logo. It’s how your casino is represented to the world. And since you’re facing some pretty remarkable competition, you’ll need to make sure you’re getting the most out of your logo.
Whether you’re starting a brand new casino business or just looking for a redesign, you don’t have to be an artist to create a great-looking logo.
Here are some of the most important elements to help you create a successful casino logo.
Elegance And Simplicity
Some logos are just too busy for their own good. Be it too many colors or too many images, your customer can get distracted quite easily if you’re not careful.
That’s why it’s important to make efficiency and simplicity your biggest target goals. After all, some of the most effective logos in history are simple. Apple’s famous logo doesn’t even feature any text!
Sensory overload is a very real phenomenon. So when you’re beginning to design your casino logo, ask yourself, “Could this be simplified?”
It Sets Your Business Apart
There’s no shortage of competition within the casino industry. Accordingly, you’re going to need to set yourself apart from the competition.
And while this may sound difficult if not hopeless, there are a few easy things you can do to diversify.
First, look at your competition’s logo. Take some time to digest their logo, including geometric shapes, colors, text, and images. While there will undoubtedly be a bit of overlap, try your best not to replicate their design.
You can also incorporate local elements into your design to give your casino logo a more region-specific design. MPL Casino does a great job of this. Notice the small leaf on their design, as well as the Canada-specific color scheme.
A Great Casino Logo Incorporates Color Psychology
Psychology has actually been a huge part of casino design for decades now, and you can use it within your logo. People have unique reactions to certain colors and associate them with certain feelings or memories.
For an example, think about reds, oranges, and yellows. You likely think of fall when the three colors are combined.
You’ll want to incorporate this same general principle into your logo design. What kind of mood are you trying to set with your logo? Simple and subdued (cool colors) or exciting and energetic (warm colors)?
Research color psychology and determine how you can use color to set the right mood with your logo.
Your Brand Should Steal The Show
It’d be great if every business was as successful as Apple, you’ll want to ensure that your brand is front and center. While it doesn’t need to be the largest graphic on the logo, it should be sizable enough that it can be read at a distance.
And each of the previous elements should be incorporated into your text. Remember, simplicity and elegance are key and you can use colors to set a mood.
Your Logo Design Matters
You can’t afford to have a poorly designed casino logo, so take efforts into your own hands. Use our software to create an exciting and effective new logo that your audience is sure to love.
You can have a brand new logo in just 5 minutes! Sign up today and see just how much of a difference your gorgeous new logo can make.
How to Design Casino Logos that Radiate Good Luck
Posted on August 18, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Crafting a great casino logo is like hitting the jackpot — when you do it right you know you’ve struck gold.
Casino logos are crucial to making your brand memorable to customers. With the number of new online casinos cropping up, a good logo will make your business stand out.
So, here is the ‘how to’ guide on creating a winning logo for your online casino.
What Do Casino Logos Say About You?
Here are a few things to consider when brainstorming your casino logos:
- Is there a kind of game or theme you’re using in your logo?
- Is there an audience or customer type you want to appeal to?
- Do you have a specific message you’re trying to send out?
By 2020, online gambling is set to become a $60 billion dollar a year industry.
Making your brand stand out is more important now than ever. While creating your iconic logo, the first step should be deciding what your brand says.
Remember that people are looking for an online gaming site they consider fun and gives them hope in a payout.
Once you have an idea of your brand you can actually start brainstorming a design.
Drafting an Idea
Some questions to ask yourself during the design process are:
- Do you want to be sleek and stylish?
- Do you want to use an old-school call to the casinos of Vegas?
- Do you want a fun and easy-going look?
Now that you have a message for your brand, how can you convey that?
You could use a character with your brand — a cartoon that looks fun and inviting, or you could use the name of your online casino in a memorable way.
Text styles are a common form of logos. There’s a good reason for that since a name will be the most searchable tool to find your specific website.
Consider using an old school pen and paper to draft out your casino name. Then move to an online creator to bring your ideas to the web.
Compare the Competition
Creating a simple draft will give you some form of originality but knowing how other successful businesses in the industry have used their casino logos, can help you improve yours.
There are a number of successful online casinos like Guts, Rizk and Sloty. These websites utilize a variety of different designs that have found them success.
A quick check may give you ideas on how to improve your casino logos design and make it stand out next to other big names in the business.
You could also check other general guides on a good logo design for a different perspective.
Know What Not to Do
Don’t date yourself. Aspects of design can get old and there are a ton of cliches that will make your customer’s eyes roll out of their heads.
When designing, strive for simplicity. Overly complex and gaudy are easy to recognize and will make customers think your site is cheap.
Remember that customers need something they can focus in on and recognize quickly. If your design has too many elements it will push people away.
Simple, memorable and unique are key ideas for designing casino logos.
Strive to Hit the Jackpot
You now have the tools to make a great logo that will draw people into your site. From here you should try to create a few designs to test with online customers.
Getting feedback from a group of people will broaden your ideas and give you valuable perspective.
When you’re ready to learn about the next steps in logo design try out this tutorial to craft a free logo.
A good logo will stick in your customer’s head and have them returning for more chances to win.
5 Reasons Why Your Casino Needs a Slot Machine Logo
Posted on August 08, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

One of the biggest draws to casinos is the slot machine.
Slot machines are an iconic game that casino-goers know and love. If you’re in the process of choosing a new logo for your casino, going with a slot machine logo can be a great option.
Let’s take a closer look at what makes slot machines so compelling, and why putting one on your logo is a good idea.
Slot Machines are Easy to Play
For someone who has never been to a casino, some of the games can be intimidating. For these players, a slot machine can be a good entry-level game.
For instance, card games like poker and black jack require a certain level of knowledge and skills to be successful. Meanwhile, other games of chance, like roulette, draw a huge audience, which can be a turnoff.
With a slot machine, there’s no skill needed. You just spin the slots and hope for a win. Also, every player gets their own machine, so there’s no pressure involved.
Slot Machines are Inexpensive
Slot machines are also a popular choice for gamblers who are apprehensive about losing too much money.
For example, many table games require a minimum buy in of 10-25 dollars. By contrast, you can play some slot machines for as little as a penny. Even the more expensive machines are much cheaper than other casino games, making them a lower risk.
Slot Machines Can Offer a Big Payoff
Even though slot machines are inexpensive, they have the potential for a large payoff. This is because every time someone plays a slot machine, they’re putting money into the jackpot.
If you’re lucky, you could hit a payoff in the millions just by playing the slots. Even if the odds are slim, the prospect of such large winnings is very enticing.
Slot Machines are Addictive
We all know that gambling can be addictive. But recent studies show that slot machines are one of the most addictive forms of gambling. This because the game’s random nature gets players excited, and gives them an adrenaline rush.
Even for players who aren’t clinically addicted to gambling, slot machines provide a euphoric feeling that drives them to keep on trying. Because these machines are so popular with customers, they’re a good way for new casinos to drive business.
Why You Need a Slot Machine Logo
The purpose of a business’s logo is to build its brand. Your logo will appear on all of your company’s merchandise, advertisements, and promotional materials.
Effective logos are easy to understand, and clearly communicate the business’s purpose. By putting a slot machine on your logo, you’ll ensure that customers immediately recognize your business.
Not to mention, you’ll also activate all of the positive associations that casino-goers have with slot machines. This logo will get customers excited about your business, and make them want to try their odds.
If you’re ready to make a new slot machine logo for your casino, check out our free online logo maker. This easy to use tool will help you make a logo that looks great.