How to Create An Awesome Logo For Your Pilot Training School
Posted on February 26, 2018 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Do you own a reputable pilot training school? If you are looking to establish trust and build credibility within your community, you need a logo for your business.
Having a well-designed logo can bring in business that keeps coming back. People will see your symbol, recognize it, and begin to associate professionalism and trustworthiness with it.
Let’s take a look at the features your logo needs to have to position your brand as credible.
Credibility Matters
Having a credible business is one thing, but getting your logo to reflect this may be a little bit more difficult. You need to design a logo that shows your company to be professional and an expert in the field of pilot training schools.
Not only does it need to show professionalism, but it should also portray that your company is competent, knowledgeable, and trustworthy. With these business traits, you will have a bigger influence and persuasion on your potential and current clients.
Show Them You Are a Pilot Training School
The second thing all logos should incorporate is being clear about what your business does. When people see your logo, even if they don’t see your name, they should be able to tell what your business does.
Featuring a pilot, plane, or jet would be a good way to incorporate your business into your logo. You can create a logo that is a little more abstract, as long as the community will be able to tell what you do.
Establishing Trust
Establishing trust for your pilot training school is an important factor for your business. The more people that can trust you, the more business you’ll get. How do you make a logo that displays trustworthiness?
It’s all about nonverbal communication. Your logo design should show your desired business traits. Having a great logo designer is a good way to ensure your logo includes these unspoken elements.
For instance, a laundromat that’s been around a long time may have a logo that is vintage inspired to show the audience of its longevity. A design firm may include elements that scream creative and inspired.
For your pilot training school logo, having elements that say you are credible, trustworthy, and professional are great traits to start with. You want people to desire to learn more about flight training.
Lastly, the use of colors in your logo must also convey professionalism, credibility, and trustworthiness.
Colors stand for different traits in design. While a red symbolizes love, passion, energy, and power, a blue symbolizes cooling, calming, security, boldness, and authority.
Brown represents helpfulness, richness, and politeness, while black represents power, boldness, and classic. White is a symbol of purity and devotion, and yellow a symbol of warmth and happiness.
Purple shows luxury, wealth, and royalty. Green symbolizes healing, tranquility, health, and freedom.
There are many different colors and color combinations you can select to convey the personality and traits of your business. If you want to show power and authority, you could select blue and black. Warmth and devotion? White and yellow.
The choices are endless, as long as you are choosing what best represents you, you’re in the clear!
Creating a Logo
Now that you know the basics of how to create a logo that establishes your business traits, shows customers that you are credible and reliable, and displays professionalism, it’s time to go create your own!
There are a lot of tools out there for developing your logo on your own, without a designer. If you’re interested in getting started, check us out now!
Put on Your Thinking Cap: Brainstorming an Academic or Education Logo Design
Posted on January 30, 2018 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

What’s the first thing you think of when it comes to education logo design? It is a pencil, graduation cap, or a book?
On average, people are exposed to 5000 marketing messages every day. Your logo can be one of them.
How can your educational business or institution’s logo cut through the noise and stand out? It will take creativity and an understanding of how logos work. It also takes a little bit of brainstorming.
Here are tips to help you brainstorm ideas for your education logo.
What Does Your Institution Do?
The first step in education logo design is to get to the heart of what it is you want people to know about your institution.
A logo needs to convey a message, which people can easily interpret on a subconscious level. Your message should be an emotion that people can easily relate to. That’s what’s known as your brand promise.
Perhaps your business is focused on language education, or it’s a fun place where kids can learn. On the other hand, your institution can be more traditional and focus on character development, knowledge, and wisdom.
These questions will help you flesh out your brand promise:
- What do we believe in as an institution?
- What do our competitors promise their clients?
- What are the values of this institution?
- What do we want out students to achieve while they are with us and beyond?
These questions seem simple on the surface, but they will ignite a lengthy discussion to answer them effectively. Once you nail these, it’s much easier to create your logo and other marketing messages.
After learning what your brand stands for, it becomes easier to choose the right elements in your education logo design to convey that.
Elements of a Logo
Your logo communicates a message. How that message is communicated depends on the elements you choose in your design. Each element has an impact and influence on how your logo is interpreted.
Symbols in a logo are intended to draw a reference point for someone viewing the logo. That’s why you see so many education logo designs with pencils, books, and graduation caps.
One organization with a logo that stands out for their use of symbolism is Honor Society. That logo features an upright torch flanked by olive branches. The torch symbolizes hope, life, enlightenment, and truth.
Those are honorable qualities that they want their members to embody.
You may decide to have your business name or tagline in your logo. The font you use in your logo can communicate a lot.
Have you heard of serif and sans-serif fonts?
Serif fonts are old, traditional typefaces that have been used since the advent of the printing press. These fonts have flags or tags on the letters. They convey reliability, dependability, and respectability.
They’re also neutral fonts, meaning that they can be used in most applications
Sans serif fonts don’t have the traditional tags on the letters. They tend to have a modern or futuristic look that conveys simplicity.
Colors also have a psychological impact. That’s why you see green for money related logos, or blue for traditional companies. You’ll see red and green logos around the holidays. Colors hold special meaning for people.
For example, brown symbolizes earth. You’ll see it commonly used for environmental companies. Dark blue symbolizes knowledge and yellow symbolize philosophy.
How many education logos have you seen with these two colors?
Each of these elements works individually and in unison to have an impact on the person viewing the logo.
Education Logo Design Tips
There is a lot to consider when it comes to education logo design. With a good understanding as to how your message and visuals work together, you can create an amazing logo. You’ll also need to keep these tips in mind.
Put Your Designs on Paper
The most important thing to remember about logo design is that you don’t have to get it right the first time. In the brainstorming phase, there is no such thing as a bad idea. Put everything down on paper, then decide if there’s an idea that’s worth pursuing further.
Research Competitors
You’re going to put in a lot of thought, time, and effort into your logo. You certainly don’t want to have a finished product that looks a lot like a competitor’s logo.
That’s why you need to know what your competitors’ brand and logos are in the early stages of the design process.
Scale Your Design
As you’re designing your logo, keep in mind the different ways it will be used. Will it be used on banners, t-shirts, pens, letterhead, and building signs?
You’re going to need to make sure your logo looks good no matter where it appears. You can do that by deciding to use just a symbol in some applications or scale it to size in others.
Keep Your Design Simple
As you probably discovered when you were learning about your brand promise, there’s a lot that you want to covey in your logo.
Simplicity is a very elegant form of design. Keep your design clean and simple. It will stand out much more than a busy design.
Test Your Ideas
Good design doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It takes feedback, learning, and tweaking to get it right. When you’re at a point where you have a few good designs, take them public and test them out.
You can ask your employees and customers individually or you can do a social media survey.
When you ask people for their opinion, ask them which design they like better and why. You want to be sure that the logo they like conveys the message intended.
Education Logo Design Is Easy
Now that you know what goes into education logo design, it’s time to get to work.
There are a couple of ways to design a logo. You can sketch ideas on paper, use a complicated graphics program, or you can use Online Logo Maker.
Online Logo Maker is an easy-to-use tool that has the images and fonts you need to create a fantastic education logo. If you’ve already done your homework and you know your marketing message, you can design your logo in 10 minutes.
Click here to get started.
Creative Education Logo Design Tips and Inspiration
Posted on September 18, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

The global education market is massive, exceeding $4.4 trillion in 2012.
It’s set to continue to trend upwards, partially spurred by the growth of mobile learning.
However, as more and more education brands pop up, it becomes increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd. But a stunning education logo design is the surest way to make the right first impression.
Read on to find out how you can put together an education logo that attracts attention to your brand!
Elements of Education Logo Design
Overall, there are three primary elements of every logo.
Most of the time, the graphics, whether an icon or pattern, is what people will notice first.
Your best bet is to find a way to creatively incorporate the end goal of your client in your educational logo design. For example, Moji University’s logo features an academic cap fused with the letter “O” in the name. It doesn’t look forced or out of place, and it blends seamlessly with the font.
Since each color evokes specific moods, they can have a powerful effect on how people view your brand.
When it comes to education logos, certain colors are better suited than others. Blue is a great pick because it’s associated with creativity, productivity, and professionalism.
You can also use two or three different colors to evoke several moods at once. However, make sure the colors compliment each other. Canvas Network accomplishes this well.
The font is just as important to a logo as the graphics. But it has to fit the theme of your design.
The type of font you should choose depends on the type of services you provide. For example, Washington Leadership Academy’s logo font looks very serious and sophisticated. In comparison, A Kid’s World Preschool uses a very playful font for their logo.
Try many different fonts before finalizing your logo to see how they mesh with your graphic.
Making Your Design Adaptable
From Nike to Chanel, great logos have one characteristic in common: adaptability. Logos must adapt to fit anything from small website banners to large billboards. Visitors will hesitate to click for more on your site if your logo looks blurry when shrunk.
The easiest way to improve the adaptability of your logo is to simplify its design. Once you have the full version of your logo, try removing any unnecessary letters or details. Feel free to use initials if you have to.
Another excellent way to make your logo more adaptable is to rearrange its elements. For example, you can move the icon from the top of a logo to the left or right side of the font.
What to Avoid
There are certain mistakes you should avoid when designing a logo.
First, it’s a good idea to look at logos within your industry to see what works. However, avoid copying someone else’s logo. The last thing you want is a generic education logo.
Next, make sure you’re designing a logo for your target audience, not yourself. Just because a logo looks good to you doesn’t always mean potential customers will flock to it.
Finally, remember to keep it simple. Try not to use more than two fonts or three colors in one logo. This not only helps with adaptability but also makes your logo easier to remember.
Final Thoughts
Overall, your education logo design should be simple and adaptable. It should also appeal to your target audience and evoke the right moods.
If you have a few ideas you want to play with, head over to our free online logo maker and start building your own logo!
5 Tips for Making a Logo for a Student Loan Debt Relief Agency
Posted on August 14, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Are you working on designing a logo for a student loan debt relief agency?
As with all industries, a logo often serves as the face of a brand.
A great logo will provide potential customers with a memorable image of the brand that they will return to time and time again.
Here are five tips to springboard your creativity for your student loan debt agency logo!
1. Research Your Audience
Get inside the minds of the target audience for a student loan debt agency.
Most likely the target audience for these types of agencies will be college graduates or parents.
Research what types of colors speak to these demographics of people so that you can create an appealing design.
For example, light blue colors may appeal to people in their twenties, while older adults might resonate with reds and orange hues.
2. Know What Messaging to Use
As you consider your audience’s color preferences, also consider the verbiage in your logo, if it includes text.
Pull familiar buzzwords from popular student loan debt websites such as the Department of Education’s Student Loans page.
Don’t be afraid to include a description of services or even the agency name in the logo.
For example, you could include something like student loan counseling or Navient Student Loan Forgiveness, if the agency is offering consultations to students or debt forgiveness services.
Simply put, make sure any text in the logo speaks to the end user and is in a readable, clean font.
3. Consider the Digital Impact
After making initial decisions regarding color and verbiage, make a note of where the logo will be used.
Will it be displayed primarily online on the agency’s website and social media?
Will it be used in print advertising or even video commercials?
The final media that will include the logo will dictate the resolution and size, so be sure to take this into account before you start laying the groundwork for your design.
4. Make It Your Own
Like many art forms such as music, video, and architecture, graphic design is present almost everywhere we go.
While it’s important to gain inspiration from other brands, be careful not to follow trends too closely or blatantly plagiarize the image of another company.
Create a logo that is unique to the agency brand.
The company will certainly reap the benefits that come with brand imagery that is fresh and engaging to its audience.
5. When In Doubt, Keep Your Student Loan Debt Agency Logo Simple
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start on the logo, take a step back to basic elements of design.
Some of the world’s most popular logos have flair and longevity because of their simplicity.
Consider Apple’s logo, the signature Coca Cola font, and the Nike Swoosh logo.
So here’s a final tip as you build a logo for a student debt relief agency: pick one simple design element and color as your base and expand from there as necessary.
Off To The Drawing Board!
With these five tips under your belt, you’re all set to open up Photoshop and start designing the perfect logo for your student loan debt agency client.
Have you seen any logos lately that really stood out to you? Let us know in the comments!
Be sure to contact us if you have any questions along the way. We would be happy to help you craft a logo that really stands out for your company!