How to Design a Massage Logo That Shows Off Your Brand
Posted on November 24, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Did you know half of Americans who received massages between 2015 and 2016 did so for health issues? And nearly 90% believe that massage is beneficial in decreasing pain.
While, in the same survey, about 30% received a massage for relaxation purposes alone.
This means your massage logo should communicate how your services can meet these needs and more.
Let’s take a look at how you can design a logo that shows off your brand.
1. Know Your Core Values, Purpose and Mission
Your values, purpose, and mission are the foundation for your brand. What is important to you as a business owner? How would you like your company portrayed to your target demographic?
Your values are the bases of your entire practice. These could be things like integrity, authenticity, honesty, hard work and rapid response time with phone messages.
Stimulating Questions
Ask yourself the following questions:
- What standards do I hold myself and my employees to?
- What do I value when it comes to customer service?
- What values am I looking for in the employees I hire?
These are just a few of the questions that you’ll want to answer before you create your logo. They will pave the way for an accurate representation of your brand to potential customers.
Your purpose is your reason for doing what you do. This could be something such as, “I choose to go into massage because I find fulfillment in alleviating stress, tension, and unease from my clients. I wish to be of service to those who suffer from tension, chronic pain and circulation problems.”
Stimulating Questions
Why did you go into massage in the first place? What is your personal purpose in life? How does that coincide with your professional purpose?
These questions will get the ball rolling as you consider what your professional purpose in the industry is.
Your mission is what you seek to accomplish based on your values and purpose. Your mission may be something similar to, “My mission is to provide safety and comfort to my clients, ensure they leave my parlor better than they were when they arrived and to deliver quality services for every customer.”
Stimulating Questions
How do you want your customers to remember their experience with you and your staff? What do you hope to accomplish through your contribution to the profession?
Clearly define your massage parlor’s values, purpose, and mission. This will be the foundation upon which you create your massage logo.
2. Handle The Process With Care
Remember, your massage logo will be seen all over town and on the Internet. From your website and business cards to advertisements and social media, your logo will encompass your entire business.
For this reason, it’s important that the image you portray through your logo is the one you desire. During the logo creation process, ask yourself these questions:
- Does this massage logo communicate my company’s values and practices?
- Does this logo convey my business’ purpose and mission?
- Does it let my customers know what to expect from my services?
- Does it communicate who I am as a business owner?
Take your time when designing your logo and handle the process with care and attention to detail.
3. Make it Memorable
Your massage logo should leave an impression. It needs to make your customers think of you every time they see it. The more they think of you, the more likely they are to call to book an appointment.
Get creative. But not too creative. You want to communicate a simple, direct message that’s easy for your customer to remember and process.
4. Communicate Your Message Clearly
We both know there are plenty of reasons why every person should book a massage. But the average person may not be aware of them.
That’s why you need a massage logo that communicates the relaxation and tension release that your massage offers. As well as any other stress-relieving services your business provides for its customers.
5. Ensure Your Text is Centered Properly
Whether you use a logo maker or another option, be sure your text is where it’s supposed to be.
If your logo is leaning right, your text should be aligned to the right. It can be tempting to get a little too creative with mismatching the logo and the text. But try to keep it simple.
6. Get Colorful
Even though your massage parlor may not be a high-stakes business, you still want to attract as many clients as possible through your massage logo.
The Psychology of Colors
Familiarize yourself with the psychology of colors. Each color can have a profound impact on the viewer. And everyone can elicit a certain response from your potential customers.
Know what psychological aspect is associated with the various colors. And use each wisely to communicate your intended message for your business.
7. Consider Your Font Size and Spacing
Massage logos let your potential customers know where to find you on the web. Your business name should be clearly written and easily legible at a distance.
This is also reason to have your company name be short and simple. A good rule of thumb is 2 words as the maximum in the name of your massage parlor.
A simple name such as WINKS helps potential customers to retain the name in their memory when they see it.
If your business name is already 3 to 4 words, consider using a shortened version of your logo. This will help viewers remember your brand.
Spacing Between Letters
You may be tempted to get creative and use bulky block letters or wide variations. Resist this temptation.
It’s important for there to be enough space between the letters for legibility purposes.
Designing a Massage Logo that Shows Off Your Brand
You want potential customers to book a massage now. And to accomplish this, you’ll want to create a killer logo.
These are our reasons why designing a massage logo can show off your brand. What would you add to our list? Comment below!
5 Tips on Designing a Sexy Logo for Your Business
Posted on November 24, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Let’s be real here: sex sells. If it didn’t, people wouldn’t find themselves making millions of dollars writing erotica for Kindle. But the truth is, most businesses can benefit from a bit of sexy branding.
If your brand is playing it safe to no avail, you should consider a sexy logo. But before you get started on it, you need to do it right. Follow these five tips to keep eyes locked on your brand.
Don’t Be Too Crass
When you think about a sexy logo, it can be tempting to imagine something crude or disturbing. But oftentimes, it’s best to let your brand speak for itself.
The key here is making your logo “suggestive.” You don’t need to beat people over the head with the sexiness of your logo. You just need to let the mind wander, wherever it may go.
In this respect, it’s a lot like your brand’s name. Whether you run a gentleman’s club or an erotic publishing agency, it doesn’t sell to give your brand an over-the-top and crude name. It makes people feel uncomfortable or even disturbed.
At the same time, you want people to be aware of what your company is all about. This is why your brand can use innocent-sounding words in a context that’s anything but.
Subtle logos communicate this same desire, but for the visual counterpart to your name. But a subtle logo is about more than just sexiness!
You wouldn’t have a real estate logo that’s just a house. So why would you have a sexy logo that’s just a sexual reference? Instead, trust in the minds of your customers: they’ll probably get it.
Think Curves
For a number of logos, it’s best to use a sharp and angled design. But while this makes sense for a brand like FedEx, it doesn’t for a sexy logos.
This is because of what you’re trying to communicate. If your logo is sharp and angled, it’s communicating from a place of sterile detachment.
This is why companies working with businesses do this. Having a logo that communicates your robotic nature shows that you won’t make human mistakes.
A logo with sex appeal focuses on the desires of your customers. And while they may want something less than human from an accountant, they may want something more human here.
A curvy logo has several sexy implications. It suggests a lot relating to human anatomy and activity. But above all else, it reflects humanity.
People want something human out of any sexy branding they encounter. So you should really emphasize a suggestively curvy logo for your company.
Simple Is Best
Simplicity is a good part of any logo, sexy or otherwise. You want your customers to follow your creation, not get lost in it.
Think of a good sexy logo like a map. It can be decorative and interesting, but it also needs to take the customer to their destination of choice.
You have things to communicate with your logo. You want people to know who you are, what you do, and how to find you. It’s a lot, but you should be careful not to lose your audience with needless complexity while providing this information.
Remember that simplicity is the best policy for your graphic design. A lost customer can never spend money on your product or service. And this is made worse when you consider the fact that you only get one chance at a first impression.
The advice we’re providing you is that what’s simple is best. But another way to put it would be “simple is sexy.” Because what’s sexier than an interested person giving you the money you need?
Contrast Matters
Color contrast is the most important part of designing every logo. As with simplicity, putting a fair amount of contrast in your brand’s logo will improve the visual imprinting of your brand.
In general, it’s best to use colors that contrast without clashing. This means using brighter colors on darker backgrounds. If you’re not sure what colors provide good contrast, this wheel can help.
Out of all of the tips on this list, a high level of contrast is the most important. Without it, you can end up with a forgettable or even unreadable logo.
A well-contrasted logo makes your brand stand out. So remember that while you’re looking for a sexy logo, you’re also looking for a sensible one. Following this step is one of the only ways to make it happen.
Choose Your Font Wisely
Let’s say you saw what would be an incredibly sexy logo. There’s only one problem: the font is comic sans. The contrast between message and font would be beyond harmful to a brand.
This would actually make the company look laughable. But the fact is, a good font strategy is about more than just not choosing the wrong font.
It’s about actively choosing the right font. One of the best companies for this has been Angels of London Incall.
The website succeeds by using a cursive, gold font that communicates eroticism and mystery. While it isn’t too on-the-nose, it’s also related to the subject matter and communicates a mid-20th-century elegance that suits the brand.
You can’t use the same exact font as Angels of London. But you can find a way to create a font that suits your brand in the same way. Remember, the font is the workhorse of your logo.
Start Making A Sexy Logo
If you’re interested in designing a sexy logo, we can help. our logo maker helps people design logos for all purposes. It’s easy to use, free, and incredibly effective.
We want to take your brand to the next level. If you want to work with us, register today.
Sex Sells: Erotic Logo Design
Posted on September 01, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

You don’t have to have seen an episode of Mad Men to know that sex and marketing go hand-in-hand.
Turn on the television, open a magazine, or browse the Internet. You’ll see dozens of companies using sex to attract customers and push their product.
We’re used to seeing half-naked models selling us everything from perfume to cheeseburgers. But advertising is not the only place companies can use sex appeal to market themselves.
An erotic logo can have as much of an impact as a sexy advertisement.
Read on to learn more about incorporating a sexy design into your logo, and how it can help your business.
Why Does Sex Sell?
The psychology behind using an erotic logo is simple but fascinating.
Basically, there is a part of our brain that is specifically responsible for thinking about sex.
This part of our brain is always working, even when we aren’t aware of it, which is why sexual messaging appeals to us.
Anytime a person sees a sexual image, this part of their brain takes over. The pull of the sexual image becomes impossible to ignore.
That’s why using an erotic logo is the perfect way to catch someone’s attention.
The whole point of a logo is to make your business stand out. You want a customer to see your logo and instantly feel like they need to know more about who you are and what you do.
Incorporating an erotic image into your logo is automatically intriguing. It will make anyone who sees it want to dig deeper.
How To Know if An Erotic Logo is Right For You
Any logo you choose will represent your business. It should be designed with a specific audience in mind.
If you’re thinking about designing an erotic logo, think about what message that will communicate to your audience and if it’s appropriate for your business.
For example, this kind of logo would make perfect sense for a company like Bathmate Direct.
Because this company sells a product meant to improve your sexual experience, a logo in this vein will appeal directly to their target audience.
Other industries, like fashion or beauty, also often make use of sexual marketing.
The truth is, though, this type of logo could be used across almost every industry. Even if someone has never heard of your company before, a sexy logo will make them stop and want to know more.
Just be sure you have a target audience in mind, and that this logo would appeal to them.
Ready to Start Designing? Start Here!
Take some time to think about who your target audience is, and what kind of logo would appeal to them.
You want your logo to represent your company in a visually pleasing way. Also, keep in mind that using a combination of graphic and text elements is usually best.
When you’re ready to start designing, a design tutorial is a great way to get started.
If you need any help getting inspired for your logo or have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.
Designing a High Class Adult Logo for Escort Services
Posted on August 25, 2017 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

There’s a variety of escort services available, but not all are held to the same standard.
To find the right customers sometimes requires clever marketing, such as an elegant adult logo to differentiate your service from the competition.
In this post, we’ll discuss the different elements of logo design and give you some pointers on how to design your own logo for high-class escort services.
Designing a High-Class Adult Logo
Designing a fashionable and captivating adult logo might be simpler than you think. The trick, however, is to make the logo unique enough to express the high-quality service but to differentiate the service from the competition as well.
Before jumping into designing a logo, check out the tips below to help make your logo as classy as it can be.
Design Elements
The design elements of your adult logo should reflect the high-class nature of the service. Rather than relying on cliche symbols like “XXX” or a silhouette of a woman kicking her leg into the air, try creating something more subtle.
However, whatever the logo is depicting should be clearly recognizable. Don’t try getting too abstract with the logo as it could detract from its meaning, and therefore the message you’re sending to the potential client. The logo should feature soft and flowing lines which depict the sensuality of the escort service.
Color Scheme
When designing an adult logo, don’t stray too far from the tried and true color schemes of adult entertainment. If you choose the wrong color scheme, your logo might become the reason your service is losing out to the competition. Stick with varying shades of red as it usually depicts passion. Other, cooler colors like shades of blue might send the potential client the wrong message.
The images depicted on your logo should reflect both the nature and the quality of your escort service. Use symbols which are easily understood by the potential client. The outline of lips or of a high heel, for example, will convey the purpose of your service. Other symbols, such as the heart used by Escorte Paris, helps to convey the warmth and companionship associated with escort services. Don’t be afraid to use other symbols, but also be careful you don’t dilute the message you’re trying to convey.
Use Negative Space
Sometimes design elements don’t have to consist of anything. To keep your logo from getting too cluttered, consider making use of available white space to create depth and to ensure the clarity of your message.
Keep It Simple
The most important aspect of any logo is how well it communicates the intended message to the potential client. To keep your message clear and on point, avoid using unnecessary elements. Instead, try to keep the logo a simple as possible. Your new logo should be appealing to the viewer and simple enough so that the eye is drawn to it rather than other, noisier logos.
Getting Started
Designing a logo can seem like a daunting task. But if you combine the right elements together, your logo will not only reflect the classy nature of your service, but it will draw in more clients, as well.
To get started on designing your own logo, check out our free logo maker. If you’re still unsure of how to proceed, check out this free logo maker tutorial.