Strategize for Success: Planning Your Personal Brand in 2021
Posted on January 04, 2021 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

36% of the total workforce in the United States are considered to be freelance workers. This sector of the economy is only expected to grow as time goes on.
If you are a freelancer or thinking of becoming one, it is important to build your own personal brand.
Personal branding is what separates the upper echelon of freelancers from the mediocre. But what is personal branding and how can you use it to make your endeavors more lucrative? Read on to find out.
What is a Personal Brand?
Personal branding is the process of turning yourself into a business and developing a marketing strategy that benefits your endeavors. A combination of traditional and electronic marketing strategies can be used to build your personal brand.
Social media plays a big part in the modernization of personal branding. Platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest give a user’s profile more weight based on the amount of “followers” they have accrued.
Followers are the total amount of people who have “followed” their page. This means that they are in the individual’s informational loop. Followers are easy to target for advertisements and ideas from the influencers’ page.
“Nano-influencers” tend to have anywhere from 200-1000 followers and are the lowest end of the influencer totem-pole. True influencers have over 20,000 followers and can start to reel in some serious coin from their personal social media market.
Learning how to manipulate social media sites in your favor is one important aspect of personal branding. Read more here about lifestyle blogging with platforms such as Pinterest.
Building a Personal Brand
There are other ways to build your personal brand in addition to utilizing social media. The first step in personal branding is to take inventory of any skills or abilities that you have that can be monetized.
Writing skills, landscaping skills, personal training skills, art skills, marketing skills, and advising skills are all examples of skills that can be monetized with ease. Next, you want to work on developing your personal image.
This includes tangible things such as your physical appearance and how you dress. It also comes down to less tangible things such as how you want to present yourself to the public online. Start thinking about creating a personal logo and style.
Next, upload photos, a short bio, your aptitudes, and work history to a web platform of your choice. Picking a platform is another important choice. Social Media websites such as Facebook and LinkedIn provide the basics of a useable platform.
At some point, you will probably want to invest in your own webpage or blog. After you have digitized your personal brand, it is time to start building your target audience. Building a client base can be a long process, but it is worthwhile.
Once you have identified your target market you can choose how you will advertise yourself to them. There are many marketing strategies available to take advantage of, so do some research and choose the one that works best for your needs.
To make your customer base grow, continue to do a good job fulfilling their needs. Then your base will snowball and self-marketing through merit-based recommendations will be your biggest market-builder.
The ultimate form of personal branding is self-incorporation. At this point, you are officially a corporation in the eyes of the law.
Personal Brands Are the Future
Having a personal brand will continue to be more relevant as a larger chunk of the workforce continues to shift towards freelancing. Hop on the bandwagon early and get yourself ahead of the competition by building a personal brand now!
Start with one of the most fun aspects of personal branding: building your own personal logo. For all of your other news and information related to logos and business, make sure to check out the rest of our blog.
4 Ways to Easily Promote Your Band
Posted on December 16, 2020 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Did you know that nearly 40,000 songs are being uploaded to Spotify every single day? Thanks to online music streaming services it has never been easier to get your music out there for people to access.
However, this also brings a problem. As it has never been easier, more people than ever are releasing music. If you are in a band, how can you get your music out in front of the crowd? The key is in learning to promote band branding and your image in general.
How can you do this? Why not read through our in-depth guide to find out.
1. A Professional Website
If you are in a classic 4-piece guitar band, focusing on your online presence may not sound very rock’n’roll. However, your website is key to your musical success. Think of your website as your portfolio location where you can store audio and video content that truly represents you as a musician.
Why not consider working with a professional brand agency to maintain consistency across your social media, website, and other channels?
2. Pitch to Radio Stations
Radio is a classic way of getting your sound out to the masses. Make no mistake, radio is still as relevant as ever. The growth of internet-based, and often niche-focused, radio stations are giving many new musicians a chance to spread their sound.
You will have to research to find the station that will suit your music, however, it is very well worth the effort.
The emergence of streaming site playlists is also a crucial source of marketing. If you are signed up to a label ensure that they are trying to get you on to one of these.
3. Use Physical Advertising
Sending PDFs and creating email listings is effective. However, physical advertising by means of flyers and posters is still effective in 2020.
Think of printed matter as half-advertising and half-artwork that you are handing out. Not only does it catch the eye but it gives the potential listener a chance to touch and feel your carefully planned branding.
4. Get Out On Tour
It is true that many songs are released on Spotify but people still want to feel the buzz of live music. This will be especially important in 2021 when people are able to start returning to live music venues more easily after COVID hit 2020.
Live music gives you the opportunity to meet with fans, to let them see your fashion sense, to hear your sense of humor, and to see the chemistry between you and your band.
How to Promote Band Branding and Much More
If you are in a band, you may have all the talent in the world but without good branding and promotion, no one may even know about it. Learning to market your skills means far more than making music. It involves knowing how to promote band merchandise and your overall image.
If you are interested in learning more about how to do this, or how to be successful in the music industry in general, then we are here to help. We leverage our experience to provide powerful guidance. Why not follow our blog today to find out more.
It’s a Sign: 7 Outstanding Sign Design Tips to Attract Customers
Posted on November 03, 2020 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Never assume your logo or brand is going to tell your story about your business.
You still need to do the work when it comes to creating a logo or a business sign. In fact, sign design can say a lot about your business. It can tell your customers something immediately, helping them solve a problem.
You may not want a sign that has eon lights that send mixed messages about your business.
You want to communicate an effective message by creating a sign design online that helps you win over consumers, having them stop at your business, and eventually making a sale.
If you want to know the 7 best sign design tips, this guide can help you out.
1. Think About the Color
Different colors symbolize different things. For example, blue can symbolize empathy, compassion, or a more conservative approach.
While red can be more of a symbol of aggression. It can be a symbol of strength.
Figuring out what color represents your brand and what you are trying to convey to your consumers is important in the color you choose for your sign. You have to figure out what your business represents before choosing a color.
You want your consumers to feel like you understand them, which is why choosing a color is important. It can speak directly to them.
2. What Does the Audience Think?
Another tip: when it comes to creating a sign consider what the audience thinks. You have to think about what message you are sending with your sign.
If you have a niche business, you need to consider what your ideal market thinks about your sign. Does it cause them to take action? Does it cause them to think about a problem they have and how you have the solution?
That’s why your brand needs to be a part of your sign. You want people to feel something when they read your sign. Your ideal market should see your sign as something that can help them.
It should remind them of what your business can do for them. That’s why you have to consider the messaging, the color, and ultimately what your brand invokes on your target market. You have to consider what action you are trying to get them to take.
3. How Readable Is the Sign?
While having a fancy sign may look cool, it may not produce the best results. It may be difficult to read.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a business card, an outside business sign, or another form of a business sign, you have to make sure what you are saying is clear to the target market.
You should have a font and size that is readable to everyone. If someone can’t read your business cards, it’s usually to give them away. You have to be clear and to the point with whatever signs you create for your business.
Consumers want to understand what your business is and not be caught up by the fluff and uniqueness of your signs.
If you want to learn about business cards and how to make them readable, you can learn more here.
4. Create a Simple Message
Creating a simple message for your business is vital if you want to get your point across to your consumers.
For example, if you’re a plumber, you want to show consumers in your business card or outside sign what kind of services you offer. You don’t want to get caught in the non-essentials.
You want to provide essential information that is helpful to your market so they know exactly what you do without any confusion.
5. Include a Photo
If you are learning how to create business cards, you should consider adding a photo. This can make your business significantly more appealing.
If you have an outside sign at your store, you can also have a photo of yourself helping customers.
When you add a photo to your business, it can make you appear more authentic and personable rather than someone who just has their business name.
6. Does It Communicate Your Brand?
Another tip to consider when you are designing your sign is how it communicates your brand.
Your brand is the story you are telling your customers. You want consumers to understand the problem they have and how you can help them overcome that problem.
It doesn’t matter if you have a business card, an outside physical business sign, or an online website sign, you need to make sure your brand is communicated.
You want to make sure consumers understand what your business does for them.
7. What Does It Accomplish?
Lastly, you want to make sure your business sign is accomplishing something.
It could be awareness or it could be more website traffic. The goal of a great sign is that you want people to be introduced and remember what your business offers.
You can always give surveys to your consumers asking them what they think of your sign. This can provide some feedback if you need to change it. You can also ask how they found your business, which can be insightful when it comes to seeing what customers found your business based on your sign.
Now It’s Time to Create a Sign Design
Now you know all the best tips to create a sign design. You just have to remember that you want to have a target market in mind and you want to make sure your sign is clear and easy to understand.
If you liked this article, you can check out more like it by visiting our website.
Fabulous! How to Think of Names for a Makeup Line
Posted on October 19, 2020 by Logo Design Tips and Tricks

Boasting more than 3 million subscribers, did you know that Jackie Aina is becoming one of the most popular beauty gurus on YouTube?
Whether you’ve been inspired by a beauty guru or someone else, starting a makeup line can be daunting.
Once you go through the motions of setting up the technical aspects of the business, the last thing you want to do is draw a blank when thinking of a name.
Are you wondering how you can come up with the perfect business name? Keep reading to learn all about how to think of names for a makeup line.
Brainstorm Using a List
The best way to get your creative juices flowing is by writing down as many makeup line names as you can on a sheet of paper. You can brainstorm by yourself or with one or more trusted people.
It often happens that the best ideas come through a subconscious chance. Instead of waiting for lightning to strike, you should get as much material out of your brain as you can. That way, you’ll have something to work with.
After you have a sizeable list, you can consider each one. You should cross out ideas that don’t work for your makeup line on second thought. You can also put a star next to the most promising ones.
Keep Your Mission Statement in Mind
Your brand should have a mission statement or at least a general ethos that you can use to help you whittle down your list to the best makeup line name ideas.
For example, if you have a vegan makeup line, then you might want to use a name that reflects this ethos. Similarly, if you have pure ingredients, then don’t be afraid to flaunt that within the name of your brand.
It’s possible that you might still be in the process of creating your makeup line ideas. Have you forgotten to include carbomer 940 in your products? In that case, you should learn more about carbomer 940.
Play With Words
There are so many brand names out there that it can be difficult to stick out from the crowd. One of the best ways you can distinguish your brand is through sheer creativity.
Playing with words is a hallmark of great marketing so you should feel free to give it your best shot. A perfect play on words can make a potential customer acknowledge your wit or even make them laugh.
For example, “Kiss and Makeup” is a play on the cliché phrase that tells a couple to stop fighting and love each other. Best of all, when someone uses that common phrase, it can evoke your awesome brand at the same time.
Ready to Create Names for a Makeup Line?
Now that you’ve learned all about how to think of names for a makeup line, you can make your brand official.
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