Creating an effective law firm logo is a unique challenge.
It has to be professional, yet accessible. It has to be eye-catching, but not an eyesore.
And it has to do everything it can to set you apart from the competition in a field that’s getting more and more saturated.
Looking for advice?
Read on to learn how to create a logo for your law firm that works on all levels.
1. Your Font Is A Communication Tool
When you meet with a client for the first time, there are probably a few things you do. You put on your best suit. You polish your briefcase. You take the time to prepare your documents.
In short, you do everything possible to put your best foot forward.
Your logo should do the same.
Your first impression will be the font you choose to use. You could elect to have a professional create a specific font for your firm, or you could select an existing font.
Whichever you choose, your font needs to be legible, easy to read even from far away, and as impressive as your firm. To that end…
2. Minimalism Is Best
We know you may want to use your logo to cram in as much information about your firm as possible.
But a crowded logo will muddle your brand image and confuse potential clients. Rely on primary colors, minimalist images, and plenty of white space.
After all, the reputation of your practice should speak for itself.
3. Keep It Professional
A logo for a law firm is not the place for gimmicks. Sure, using bright pink or including a cartoon of a silly-looking criminal behind bars might make you memorable.
But you’ll be memorable for all the wrong reasons.
Resist the temptation to go a “trendy” route. Instead, project an image of strength and professionalism.
4. Explain Your Practice
Especially if you’re practicing in an area like D.C., that’s home to a high concentration of lawyers, you need to rely on your logo to help separate you from the competition.
Your logo should also reflect the specific area of law you practice.
For example, if you’re a family law firm, your logo image might include two adults and a child. If you practice real estate law, show a picture of a house. You may also choose to write the area of your practice underneath the image.
5. Avoid The Cliches
When you hear the phrase, “law firm logo,” a few images probably come to mind immediately. A gavel, the Scales of Justice, an official seal, maybe even a stack of legal books.
If you’ve thought of all these images within 5 seconds, it means that everyone else has, too. A quick Google search will also tell you which images and fonts are already over-used.
Avoid them at all costs if you want to communicate that you’re a firm that goes the extra mile for clients.
Create Your Law Firm Logo Today
Now that you’ve studied up on what it takes to create an effective and eye-catching law firm logo, it’s time to see your ideas come to life!
To get started, use our intuitive free online logo maker tool.
Still need a little help? Looking for additional information? Create an account with us today to get access to the best in logo marketing expertise!
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