Our brains process images 60,000 times faster than we process words. That means your potential customers are taking in your logo… fast!
It could be your chance at a first impression before they even read any of your content. You’ve got to make that logo count.
But what types of logos are best for your industry and how should you use them?
We’ve got you covered. Check out our complete guide with all the types of logos and how to use them.
Types of Logos
There are several different types of logos to choose from for your business. They all have different purposes and attributes.
Here’s a breakdown.
1. Lettermarks
Does your company have a long name? Then this could be the logo for you.
Think CNN, NBC, NFL… see a trend here? They’re all companies or organizations with really long names.
They also turned those long names into acronyms. And made that acronym their logo!
These logos are typography based and comprised generally of the company’s initials. It’s simple, clean, and is attached to the actual name of the business making the long name more memorable.
Also… How much easier is it to say IBM than International Business Machines?
If you’re looking to brand your company in a simple way, this could be for you.
2. Pictorial Mark
These are the logos people will remember when a brand has serious power. Think Apple, Twitter, Target…
You immediately can think of their logo. And they’re all simple symbols that represent multi-million dollar companies.
A true pictorial mark is only an image. Because of this, they can be tricky for brands that are just starting out.
Consider what symbol you want to be associated with your brand if you go this route. It will be attached to your company forever.
Think about:
- Do you want to evoke emotion?
- Create a pun that plays on words?
- Imply a deeper meaning?
Whatever it is, your logo symbol has to do something in order to be memorable. So choose wisely.
3. Emblem Logo
This looks like a badge, seal, or crest. There is typography inside of an icon and both are incorporated into one logo.
Think Starbucks or Harley Davidson.
4. Mascot Logo
Mascots can be great marketing tools. They can also work really well in a logo.
Think Wendy’s or KFC.
Your mascot is simply an illustrated character that represents your brand. Like a pictorial symbol, it needs to have some sort of purpose.
They’re kind of like a business ambassador. And at the end of the day, they’re great for companies looking to create a wholesome sentiment around their brand.
5. Abstract Mark
This is kind of like a pictorial image. But with one major difference.
The logo image is an abstract work of art rather than a purely recognizable symbol, such as a bird.
An abstract mark can make a very attractive marketing logo. It allows you to create something truly unique that no other brand will have anything like.
Think of Pepsi’s interesting spherical logo symbol. Or Adidas’ symbol with three peaks and stripes.
The benefit of choosing abstract imagery is you can create a meaning around it… such as how the Nike swoosh represents movement or freedom.
6. Combination Mark
This is a (you guessed it!) combination of multiple types of logos. For example, there may be a pictorial image with a wordmark.
Or an abstract symbol with a lettermark.
Whatever the combination is, anytime there is more than one style present it’s considered a combination logo.
These are great for companies looking to be a bit more expressive by creating their own unique cocktail of a logo.
Think of a logo like Lacoste which has a gator and the companies name in typography.
7. Wordmark
This is like a lettermark but with the full name of the company. It’s simply typography with the business’ name as the primary focus.
For example, Coca-Cola’s logo is a wordmark type logo.
Any company that has a succinct and notable name can benefit from this type of logo.
The real key when making a logo like this is the typography. It is the visual component at the forefront of the logo’s design.
When to Use Logos
You probably have a good idea by now which type of logo is right for your business and brand needs.
But here are some key points to consider when choosing types of logos.
- Abstract marks should only be done by professionals who understand shape and color. Otherwise, you’ll create some that are not quite memorable.
- The point of an abstract mark is to create something entirely unique.
- Mascot logos are great if you’re trying to create an impression on children or families. A mascot can also be a great tool for social media or marketing event.
- Wordmark logos should only be used if your company’s name is memorable and short.
- Lettermark logos are great if you can easily make a memorable acronym from your company’s long name.
- Typography will be the most important thing in either a watermark or lettermark type design.
- Abstract logos can be difficult to decipher if they are too abstract. Make sure there is a meaning behind them that your consumers can understand.
- A pictorial mark is a great way to represent your brand. But if you’re just starting out, keep in mind the recognition can be trickier to build.
Can’t decide?
That’s okay! There’s always the option to make a combination logo.
Choose the two elements you know you definitely want in your logo. Play with design and see if you can incorporate them both into one.
This is a great way to not compromise and create something entirely unique.
In the end, the number one thing to keep in mind is this:
Your logo needs to have meaning, be memorable, and represent your brand.
Next Steps
Now that you’re all brushed up on the different types of logos and how to use them…
You’re probably ready to get your own!
Many people want to design their own logo. It’s less expensive than hiring a brand designer… Plus you have more control over the finished product.
Sound like what you want? Check out how to make a free logo here.