When’s the last time you designed a medical logo?
Probably a while ago, if ever. That’s because medical logos are airtight, and don’t need much changing after their initial conception. Medical logo design has a few key quality elements that make them incredibly long-lasting.
Got a medical logo to design? Keep reading to find out just what those elements are.
Keep It Modern
Modern medical logos show that a practice or clinic is changing with the times. It shows that the practice is updated and knowing. They leave their old, dusty manuals in the dust in favor of bright, new ones.
In our modern technological age, new developments are made in the medical community all the time. Modern medical logo design helps instill trust in the patient that their practice is able to keep up.
Keep your edges rounded, like Tueo Health‘s logo. Incorporate strong elements of curvature, and try to shy away from rectangular or triangular shapes. Don’t add too many elements to the logo to keep it as minimal as possible.
Simplicity Is Key
Minimal design is important when it comes to medical logos. You don’t want the logo to be too difficult to understand, because you’re trying to touch a very broad and very diverse audience with your logo.
The logo needs to be easy to recognize on signs and billboards for a large audience. When a medical practitioner is needed, your logo will be a beacon of hope for the afflicted. Allow it to register quickly in their minds.
Don’t clutter up your logo with too many colors or lines. Stick to geometric shapes and clean fonts.
Consider Color
In an effort to maximize visibility and keep it simple, try to stick to two colors maximum, like the logo for Arrowhead Clinic. Note that the colors used are dark and soothing, versus bright and jarring.
That’s valuable to a patient. They’re under enough stress already, and studies show that color has a big effect on our psyche.
Blues and greens tend to have the strongest calming effect, and yellow is the most uplifting color. Try to user darker reds rather than bright reds so as not to remind patients of blood.
Make It Relevant
Not all medical practices are the same, and their logos should reflect that. For a children’s hospital, keep the logo cute to relate to children and help them feel safe, like Nicklaus Children’s Hospital‘s logo.
Wellness clinics or fitness related medical logos could include elements of nature, to parallel the patient’s efforts to get in touch with theirs. Include lots of green, circles, and leaves.
Logos designed for emergency rooms or surgery centers should include sharp edges to represent the importance of precision.
Make It Flexible
The best medical logos are the only logos used. That means the same logo can be seen across all platforms, from signs to pamphlets to social media.
Quality medical logo design can be transposed from platform to platform and still appear relevant and strong. It’s a plus for you, because this inspires longevity in a logo, making yours stand out for decades to come in a sea of other medical logo design.
Get Started on Your Medical Logo Design
Check out some more specific tips for individual practices’ logo design. Then, head over to our logo maker to begin your next design! It’s easy to use, simple, and free!
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