Are you working on designing a logo for a student loan debt relief agency?
As with all industries, a logo often serves as the face of a brand.
A great logo will provide potential customers with a memorable image of the brand that they will return to time and time again.
Here are five tips to springboard your creativity for your student loan debt agency logo!
1. Research Your Audience
Get inside the minds of the target audience for a student loan debt agency.
Most likely the target audience for these types of agencies will be college graduates or parents.
Research what types of colors speak to these demographics of people so that you can create an appealing design.
For example, light blue colors may appeal to people in their twenties, while older adults might resonate with reds and orange hues.
2. Know What Messaging to Use
As you consider your audience’s color preferences, also consider the verbiage in your logo, if it includes text.
Pull familiar buzzwords from popular student loan debt websites such as the Department of Education’s Student Loans page.
Don’t be afraid to include a description of services or even the agency name in the logo.
For example, you could include something like student loan counseling or Navient Student Loan Forgiveness, if the agency is offering consultations to students or debt forgiveness services.
Simply put, make sure any text in the logo speaks to the end user and is in a readable, clean font.
3. Consider the Digital Impact
After making initial decisions regarding color and verbiage, make a note of where the logo will be used.
Will it be displayed primarily online on the agency’s website and social media?
Will it be used in print advertising or even video commercials?
The final media that will include the logo will dictate the resolution and size, so be sure to take this into account before you start laying the groundwork for your design.
4. Make It Your Own
Like many art forms such as music, video, and architecture, graphic design is present almost everywhere we go.
While it’s important to gain inspiration from other brands, be careful not to follow trends too closely or blatantly plagiarize the image of another company.
Create a logo that is unique to the agency brand.
The company will certainly reap the benefits that come with brand imagery that is fresh and engaging to its audience.
5. When In Doubt, Keep Your Student Loan Debt Agency Logo Simple
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start on the logo, take a step back to basic elements of design.
Some of the world’s most popular logos have flair and longevity because of their simplicity.
Consider Apple’s logo, the signature Coca Cola font, and the Nike Swoosh logo.
So here’s a final tip as you build a logo for a student debt relief agency: pick one simple design element and color as your base and expand from there as necessary.
Off To The Drawing Board!
With these five tips under your belt, you’re all set to open up Photoshop and start designing the perfect logo for your student loan debt agency client.
Have you seen any logos lately that really stood out to you? Let us know in the comments!
Be sure to contact us if you have any questions along the way. We would be happy to help you craft a logo that really stands out for your company!
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