Are you an investment company owner considering a new logo for your business?
Iconic logos like Nike’s swoosh or the McDonald’s M have become unmistakable, timeless marketing tools. They’re incredibly valuable. The McDonald’s brand is estimated to be worth more than $39.4 billion!
When you are designing an investment company logo, there’s a lot to think about. You want your logo to be something generations of investors can identify with and connect to your business, while also being stylish.
But how can your investment company logo add value to your brand? Read on to find out!
Connect Customers to Your Business
The power of a logo can help connect people to your business. This sort of influence can start from a very young age.
A University of Amsterdam study on brand recognition in childhood shows the strength in a good logo. They found that children between ages 3 and 5 are able to recognize a logo stands for a product. By age 7 or 8, they can consistently recall a logo.
These are the same kids who will grow up and need investment services as adults like their parents do now.
Consistency Across Different Platforms
Your logo can create value for your brand by being used consistently.
There are plenty of options for potential clients to choose from when they’re deciding what investment property to use. A unique, clean logo is also a way for you to stand out from the competition.
In keeping uniformity, this gives your business a professional look. It also sends a strong message that you operate with purpose and stability. These are some of the things potential clients will consider when deciding whom to invest their money with.
From an in-house standpoint, it also helps your business protect the investment you’ve made in your logo and your brand.
Make a Positive Impression
A strong logo is a great way to leave a positive impression on clients and potential clients.
There are many options for potential clients to choose from when they are deciding what investment company to use. A unique, clean logo is also a way for you to stand out from the competition.
Your investment company’s reputation is an important factor in why someone will choose to invest with you over another. By having a strong logo, you send a positive message to your clients and potential clients that you take your business seriously.
After all, if you can’t send that sort of message about your business, why would someone want to invest with you?
An Investment Company Logo Builds Your Brand
When you design a logo you should consider where your business is now and envision where it is going in the future.
What is your target market and how will they react to your logo?
By taking the time to design an effective logo, you can start to leverage the brand recognition that comes with it. You can also avoid an expensive re-design and the risk that comes with changing it later.
You have worked hard to build your business and your logo is an opportunity to send that message to the outside world.
Use our free online logo maker today to begin building your brand now!
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