Construction companies do much more than shape urban skylines.
They build the infrastructure, from roads and airports to educational and health facilities, which drive the nation’s economy and make the world a better place. But beyond identifying construction companies from the work they do, customers need to identify them by their corporate logos.
An eye-catching logo is a visual cornerstone for your business and can earn you respect and a good reputation in the industry.
With that in mind, here are top qualities you should incorporate in your construction logos.
1. Specificity
The construction industry has a number of sectors, including industrial sector, residential sector and the commercial sector.
Although large construction companies have subsidiaries specializing in various sectors, smaller companies typically focus on one sector of the industry.
As such, a good construction logo should indicate the sector of the industry your establishment is engaged in. If you build and renovate residential homes, the logo icon can be that of a residential home.
This ensures your logo targets a specific customer base.
2. “Green” Construction Logos Are a Cut Above the Rest
We are a green generation.
In the United States alone, 74% of adult citizens strongly believe in environmental protection.
Yet, buildings impact the environment in several ways. They account for 39% of all carbon emissions in the country, and trees are felled to produce timber used to build structures such as patio pavers.
Marketing your construction business as an eco-friendly outfit that uses sustainable building practices can give you an edge over the competition.
And what better way to send this message than design a logo with shades of green or a tree icon?
3. Unique
Humans have an attention span of a goldfish.
If your construction logo resembles every other logo in the market, you can count on potential customers to have a hard time recognizing your brand.
A unique logo should clearly distinguish your brand from the competition. Use icons, color palettes and typefaces that set your construction logos apart.
4. Versatility
Logos are used on various surfaces.
You can paint it on your company premises, imprint it on your letterheads, display it on your website, or put it on company videos. A versatile logo should look just as eye-catching as the original copy on all the surfaces you intend to use it.
Besides using graphics that can make your logo unique, balance it with graphics that can make improve its versatility.
5. Creativity
The construction industry is one where creativity is being combined with human ingenuity to achieve remarkable building designs.
Dubai’s Burj Khalifa is a mega wonder, and Manhattan’s proposed U-shaped skyscraper will be a site for sore eyes.
Construction company logos should exhibit a similar level of creativity, too. You don’t have to go with roofs, chimneys, bridges, construction tools and other common symbols.
6. Classic/Timeless
Nike’s iconic Swoosh was designed in 1971. Almost half a century later, the Swoosh still lives on, albeit with minor changes.
Your construction logos should have an element of timelessness. Logos that don’t grow old, if you like.
You don’t want to design a logo that will need a major redesign five years down the road. Giving your logo a refresh costs money, and you may lose ground to your competitors.
It’s Time to Construct Your Logo!
A logo is a crucial visual component of your brand. Get it wrong and your competitors could trump you.
Using the best design tools in the market goes a long way to creating construction logos that stand out, and also stand the test of time.
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