One of the best ways to make your business grow and build a brand is with a winning logo. Your logo should reflect the personality of your business and have an easy appeal to current and prospective customers.
If you are a bold business with a bold brand you need to create bold logos to reflect your business personality. But remember, logos don’t need to be expensive to be effective.
The original logo for Twitter only cost about $15 to make. You can even get started for free once you know how to build a logo.
You don’t need to break the bank. Follow this guide and your bold logos will be winners every time:
1. Be Open-Minded
Before you even begin, it’s important to shake off what you associate with winning logos. The key here is to make something unique and eye-catching to build your brand.
Whether you are an apparel company like Yo Sox or a classic car designer like Rolls Royce, it pays to be bold. Don’t be afraid to use bright colors, clean lines, and an eye-catching design for your logo.
Bold products and bold logos deserve to be recognized. Be open-minded and don’t be afraid to be assertive in your brand positioning.
2. Consider Your Brand for Bold Logos
Your brand is the personality of your company. We can all agree that Wal-Mart and Target are two different brands, even if they sell some of the same products.
What is your brand and who are your target customers? Knowing this is an essential design step.
It will shape how you create your logos for your company.
3. Use Bold Colors
Color psychology is a key component of logo design. If you want to convey a bold message you need to pick bold colors.
But when picking colors be careful to think in the long term. You will want your logo to retain value and gather recognition.
Just because something is the new color this year doesn’t mean you should use it for your logo.
4. Experiment
Once you get started with logo design make sure you experiment. Try out many different styles.
Play with colors, design, and placement. The more you experiment the better your logo will turn out.
5. Consider Channels
Your logo needs to perform across channels in today’s marketplace. For a bold design, it needs to work in Social Media, online platforms, mobile, and print.
Too many businesses limit themselves by not considering all the uses they need their logo for. Try out different channels and make sure it catches the eye.
Get Started
Putting it all together is easy when it comes to logo creation. You can get started and experiment right away.
As long as you know your audience, brand, and goals you don’t need to wait to build a logo for your needs.
Online Logo Maker can help. Our free design tool lets you change colors, use design art, and adjust test to your needs.
Don’t wait. Try our logo maker tool right now.
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