Are you a professional exterminator looking for a new pest control logo? A good logo can make you instantly recognizable online and out on the street, so it’s important you pick one that captures imaginations.
If you’ve been thinking about a new pest control logo, but you’re struggling for inspiration, learn from these 5 great designs.
Then try to make your own logo using our online tools.
Doc’s Pest Control, Inc
This logo, along with its tagline, sets a clear expectation of what you can expect from the Doc’s services – in a memorable and humorous way.
Perhaps humor doesn’t suit all businesses, but a light-hearted touch might be effective in getting customer’s attention within an industry which is quite heavily populated and often takes itself very seriously.
Western Pest Control
Western Pest Control started a competition to get their logo created. They got 191 concepts submitted by 32 designers, and the winner was a very clear graphic.
The shield symbolizes protection, and it’s used quite frequently in pest control. However, it’s also used in other industries where protection is called for, like cyber security and insurance. So the bug image makes it very clear what Western does.
This BugBully’s pest control logo looks great. It’s less clean than Western’s, but conveys the same message – the pest is a threat to your home.
And the ‘bug’ looks generic enough to cover all sorts of household insects, so it doesn’t matter whether the company is the best bed bug pest control company or a cockroach specialist. The cartoon covers all the possible angles.
Property Protect
Property Protect incorporates graphics of a bug and a roof to send the message that they’re all about looking after your home as well as the possible insect invaders living inside it.
The magnifying glass signifies the company’s attention to detail, and the color scheme is very clear cut.
Pest Defence
This logo for Pest Defence uses a sword for the ‘f’ in the word ‘defence’.
This demonstrates the attack that Pest Defence will launch for on the bugs in their customer’s households.
The logo definitely sends a clear message.
Try Making Your Own Pest Control Logo
Have you tried experimenting with ideas yourself, so that you have an idea of what you want? Do you want to feature a bug, or would you rather show how you deal with them?
Have you thought about what font you might use, and how to incorporate words into the logo? Do you know what color you want your logo to be, and have you thought about whether it’ll look OK on the side of your van as well as online?
Use our online logo maker to put together your initial thoughts, and find answers to common questions here.
You can make your logo as personal or as general as you like – about the bugs or about yourself. It doesn’t matter.
So long as the final result is eye-catching and tells the world what you do, it will work a charm.
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