Just like paintings and other forms of artwork, logos carry a whole lot of meaning.
Designing a logo comes with a lot of responsibility.
If you are designing a logo on behalf of an art gallery, that responsibility doubles. After all, you’re in the business of compelling people through imagery. Your audience is definitely going to hold your gallery logo design under more scrutiny than, say, a restaurant’s logo design.
So how do you make sure you create a logo that your audience will love?
Keep reading to learn about the 5 essential elements of a compelling gallery logo.
1. Research Your Target Audience
You know not everyone is going to have the same feelings about a painting, but there are certain paintings that evoke very similar emotions.
The same can be said about logo design. It’s impossible to create a gallery logo that absolutely everyone finds compelling, but you can certainly create one that the majority of your audience will be interested in.
In order to make that happen, you first need to understand your client base. Considering you work in an art gallery, understanding your client base should be quite easy. You already know the type of people who come in on a day-to-day basis., who invests in memberships, etc.
For example, if you attract an older crowd, you’ll want to go for larger prints. If your crowd is younger, then you’ll want to incorporate vibrant colors and cutting-edge designs.
2. Make Sure It’s Unique
While it can be good to check out what the competition’s doing, sometimes too much snooping can make you a copycat.
Make sure you understand the common styles of your industry without infringing on another gallery’s trademarked look. Not to mention, you don’t want your audience confusing your logo with someone else’s.
3. The Right Color
You know better than anyone to never underestimate the power of color.
Just like an artist carefully selects the right oil paint colors, so too should you carefully select the right colors for your logo.
This is because the psychological power of color can be very persuasive. There are so many color types to choose from- warm, neutral, vibrant, dark, saturated. And all of these will send a different kind of message to your intended audience.
4. Shy Away From Metaphors
In the world of art, everything is supposed to “mean something.”
While it’s nice if your logo does have a special meaning, don’t overdo it. If you focus too much on portraying a certain meaning, your logo won’t appear clever or artistic, it will only appear gaudy and complex.
Remember, you are going to be using your logo in a variety of mediums. Keeping it simple is the best way to ensure it translates onto all of these spaces.
5. Create Multiple Designs
You’re probably not going to nail your logo design on the first try, and that’s okay.
Create a few different designs, and set aside a day or two before sharing them with anyone. This will allow you to see it with fresh eyes the next time you look at it.
Compelling Gallery Logo Wrap Up
We hope this article gets you excited about creating a compelling logo for your gallery.
As you can tell, a lot of thought and consideration goes into creating the perfect logo.
If you are ready to bring your ideas to life, be sure to check out our tutorial for our online logo maker. This exciting tool allows you to create an affordable logo in no time at all.
And of course, drop a comment below with any questions you may have about logo design.
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