At the end of the day, a t-shirt ultimately serves two distinct yet important purposes.
First and foremost, they’re comfortable and easy to wear. There’s something about a good t-shirt that feels comforting yet stylish. But there’s a secondary, more important purpose. A t-shirt is essentially a form of branding that your audience pays for.
Accordingly, you’ll want to make sure your logo stands out. Read on for some creative placement ideas for your clothing line logo.
5 Creative Placements for a Clothing Line Logo
1. On the Hem
If you’re using a solid color, placing a colorful logo on the hem of your shirt is a great way to play with contrast.
It’ll immediately make your logo pop and stand out to anyone who sees it. More than that, it’s a subtle way to draw the human eye towards your logo.
Take a white tee, for instance. By contrasting the color (even if it’s just black) of your logo with the solid white of the shirt, you’ve managed to create an easy way to get noticed.
2. On the Sleeves
This is a popular choice that a lot of clothing companies are utilizing. You’ll have a few different options if you choose to put your clothing brand logo on the sleeve.
You can have an understated, small logo on the hem, for instance.
Or you can have your logo run across the bicep in slightly larger print. This can be a great idea for athletic wear, like what Monsta Clothing Co. has on some of their shorts.
If you’re offering long-sleeve tees, use a design with your logo running down the length of the sleeve.
Using different fonts can make a difference, too. For instance, have your logo on the breast pocket, then in a different font on the sleeves.
3. Patterned
Of course, there’s a chance that subdued isn’t quite your style. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, sometimes the most memorable logos are the ones that are in your face.
If that’s the case with your brand, a patterned design all across the t-shirt (yes, front and back) is a great option. The human eye loves patterns, so this is a surefire way to draw some attention.
4. On the Back
Sometimes it’s hard to beat a classic. Featuring your clothing line logo on the back of a shirt, either vertically or horizontally, is always a smart call.
It’s simple, sure, but the classics work for a reason.
5. Wrapped Around
This is a fun design that few companies take advantage of. By wrapping your text around the front and back of your t-shirt, you’re going to stand out in the best way possible.
Remember the checkerboard pattern? Wrapping your logo works in much the same way. The human eye wants to complete patterns, so eyes will be drawn to your logo.
You can either wrap it around the breast or place your logo diagonally like a sash.
Your Logo is a Statement
Your logo represents your brand as a whole. It needs to be every bit as creative and innovative as you are.
Get creative with your clothing line logo placement and stand out from the rest of the crowd.
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