According to the American Bar Association, there are 1,352,027 lawyers in the U.S. as of 2019. Without a distinctive brand, your law firm could end up fading into the crowd. So how do you stand out?
To build your brand, you need to start with a professional law firm logo.
A strong, unique logo can represent your entire law firm. You won’t just stand out. Potential clients will even begin to recognize your firm on-sight.
Here are 10 genius tips to help you get started. With these tips, you can create a professional logo that stands out from all the rest.
1. Know Your Niche
No two law firms are exactly alike. Your distinct expertise can help you stand out and attract a specific set of clients.
Before you start designing your law firm logo, consider your audience. Think about them in terms of likes, dislikes, needs, and demographics. These details can tell you a lot about how to appeal to your clients.
Your firm’s specialty can help you break apart from the pack, too.
Does your firm focus on environmental law, or perhaps car accidents? Firms that specialize in these areas would use different imagery than maritime attorneys. Knowing your niche can help you find the right imagery for your logo.
The goal of good logo design is to tell people who you are and what you do with the right imagery. Recognizing your niche in the design can help clients recognize it, too.
2. Keep It Simple
If you want a memorable logo, keep it simple. There are other ways to stand out as a law firm without a messy, complicated logo. After all, a complicated logo is more difficult to remember.
You shouldn’t make it so simple that it looks like all the rest, though.
Instead of choosing overused imagery, try art that keeps it simple but leaves an impression.
A simple logo also improves its functionality, which we’ll get to below.
3. Consider Color
According to this research, color can improve brand recognition by up to 80%.
When choosing your brand’s color scheme, keep color psychology in mind.
For example, we associate the color yellow with energy, red with passion, and green with growth. Different shades of these colors, however, can also change the meaning. If you choose blue, light blue conveys calmness, which darker blues conveys intelligence.
Try to choose three main colors for your law firm logo. That way, you can create various versions of your logo based on the use.
What if you create shirts with different colors or want to use a white banner instead of a white one? Creating versions of your logo with different color schemes can help make your logo easier to use.
4. Don’t Forget Function
Speaking of banners, shirts, and other marketing materials, your logo needs to work for multiple functions.
For example, you’ll want your logo to display on your website and social media. If you have a responsive website, your logo will change sizes depending on the browser window’s size.
Meanwhile, your logo will need to expand for much larger sizes if you’re using it for a billboard.
In other words, your logo needs to work whether it’s getting bigger or smaller. Make sure you save your law firm logo in the proper file sizes to make resizing easier.
5. Select a Firm Font
Your font can help you stand out just as much as the imagery and color scheme can.
First and foremost, the font should be easy to read. Otherwise, how will people know who you are? Choose a font that’s clean, but feel free to look beyond the standard fonts.
Avoid cursive or script fonts, which don’t work well for law logos.
You can choose traditional, modern, or somewhere in between. The font you choose depends on your law firm’s brand and the message you’re trying to convey.
6. Check out the Competition
If you’re trying to stand out from the crowd, you need to know what that crowd looks like, first.
Go ahead and research the competition. What are they doing to stand out? What message does their logo convey?
Ask yourself what you like and don’t like about their logos. Researching the competition can help you determine what approach you want to take for your own logo.
7. Focus on Your Name
Most law firms build their reputation on their firm’s name. Since the name is the focal point of the logo design, find a way to bring it into the spotlight.
Take a look at where the name is located in the logo design. Is it overshadowed by the imagery?
What about the font and size? Play around with your law firm’s logo until you find the right combination.
8. Hire a Professional
A professional designer can help you avoid basic mistakes. They also know the latest design trends. With their help, your logo will look good and appeal to your target audience.
Hiring a professional who has worked with law firms in the past can give you some insight, too.
9. Keep It Up-To-Date
The latest trends in graphic design change all the time. If you want your logo to stand out from the crowd, it’s going to need an update from time to time.
You don’t have to scrap your entire logo and start over.
Instead, you can make small changes to make sure your firm still looks fresh and relevant.
10. Make It Unique
Your law firm is already unique, but why?
Pinpoint your unique value—what you offer that no other firm can. While you’re at it, consider your company mission. Since they’re both unique to your company, capturing your value and mission in your logo will make the design unique, too.
Looking Good: 10 Tips for a Professional Law Firm Logo
Look good, feel good, and stand out from the crowd. Using these 10 tips, you can create a professional law firm logo to help you attract new clients. With these tips, you’ll outshine the competition in no time!
Check out our online logo maker today to get started with your own logo!