Did you know that more than 50% of US adult citizens have money invested in the stock market? Almost 10% of homeowners also hold international equity and this helps them increase their revenue over the years.
Investing in the stock market is great, but have you ever thought about investing in precious metals? The best precious metal to invest in are the ones that could bring you a steady income in the upcoming years.
Keep reading to learn what are the best precious metals to invest in and why you should do it as soon as possible.
1. Gold
Gold has always been a profitable precious metal for various reasons. It has been a source of wealth and value for thousands of years and people fought numerous wars to get it. Gold isn’t only valuable, but it also looks great in any shape or form such as coins, rings, earrings, necklaces, etc.
The good thing about gold is that its value has been steadily increasing over the last decades. This makes it a safe metal to invest in. If you own large quantities of gold, you will slowly accumulate more money as the value of 1 ounce of gold increases.
Additionally, you don’t necessarily have to store gold in your house. You can buy coins or bullions and have them stored at your local bank. It will be protected by security guards and surveillance cameras, so there’s little to no chance of being stolen.
If you have never invested in precious metals before, you could start with small gold coins or small bullions. Buy a few of those and follow your gold’s market value throughout the year. If you see that this metal is bringing profits, invest more money in gold.
Check out this gold crate web page to learn more about investing in gold and doing it wisely.
2. Silver
Silver has less value than gold, but it’s still in great demand and used in many industries. For example, did you know that silver is used to make mirrors? That’s because this metal is one of the best light reflectors known to man.
Silver is also used in the medicine and jewelry industry. It’s usually combined with other metals to make it harder and more durable. Although silver reacts with air and its appearance is degraded over time, this is still a great metal you should consider investing in.
Believe it or not, more than 20,000 tons of pure silver are produced every year all over the world. This metal is extracted as a by-product from gold, zinc, and copper ores. It’s processed and improved to have a shiny, beautiful appearance.
Sterling silver holds almost 93% pure silver content. It’s one of the most beautiful and valuable types of silver you can invest in. If your budget is not that high, you should consider investing small amounts of money in silver first, before switching to gold or other precious metals that are more expensive.
3. Palladium
Few people know that you can successfully invest money in palladium. This is a rare precious metal that can bring you a solid stream of money over the years. Palladium is usually extracted as a result of nickel and zinc refining. It’s a shiny metal that looks like silver and it has impressive corrosion resistance.
Most palladium found in the world is used for catalytic converters in cars. When an old vehicle is scrapped, the catalytic converter is one of the most important components because of its palladium content.
Palladium is also used in laptops, computers, and mobile phones. Thanks to the fact that it can resist corrosion, more and more companies demand palladium for building integrated circuits. Since the IT industry is continuously expanding, there will always be a need for palladium in the upcoming decades.
This makes it a great metal to invest in. If you have already experimented with gold and silver, palladium should be your next go-to precious metal. You should talk to experts in the precious metal industry and see what’s the most appropriate sum of money to invest in this metal to obtain the optimal profits.
4. Platinum
Platinum is another important precious metal. Just like palladium, it’s also shiny and silvery in appearance and it’s also used in vehicle catalytic converters. Back in the days, the Mayans used platinum when making jewelry, so this type of metal has been around for thousands of years.
Platinum is still used in the jewelry industry today and it’s usually combined with other precious metals such as gold and silver. This metal has a slightly higher value than gold, so you should consider investing in it if you want to accumulate more wealth.
There is a high demand for platinum all over the world too. Apart from catalytic converters, engineers and scientists also use platinum for coating integrated circuits, for making optical fibers as well as large LCD screens. Platinum will be in high demand in the following century and that’s why you should prioritize investing in this metal.
Unlike other precious metals, platinum is non-toxic and it’s widely used in the medicinal industry too. For example, certain compounds of platinum can be used in chemotherapy to treat patients against different types of cancers.
5. Steel
Steel needs no introduction as it’s one of the most popular and valuable types of metals out there. Vast amounts of steel are used every day to build virtually everything around you. For example, almost 50% of a standard vehicle is made out of steel.
This metal is also used to make buildings, bridges, skyscrapers, railroads, cutlery items, you name it. The demand for steel has been on an ascending path for decades and it will continue to be so for centuries to come.
That’s why diligent investors should consider investing in the steel market. This requires a little bit of financial know-how, but you can always consult with experts in the steel industry to find out the best moment to invest in steel.
Remember that this metal will always be in high demand, so it’s not like your investments will be lost because people don’t use steel anymore. This metal provides a safe and secure investment opportunity for those willing to accumulate more money.
6. Aluminum
Aluminum is one of the most beautiful precious metals out there. It’s commonly used to make shiny components for cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles. Aluminum is also widely used to store foods and liquids. Most cans of food or juice you find in supermarkets are made using aluminum.
One of the most appreciated properties of aluminum consists of its lightness. Aluminum is very light and that’s why it’s used in so many racing cars and sports vehicles. This metal is in high demand in the aeronautics industry because it can conduct electrical current and has excellent corrosion resistance.
Spaceships that launch satellites in orbit, as well as wings of aircraft that break the speed of sound, have components made from aluminum. Although this is a rather soft material, it can be strengthened when combined with other metals.
If you want to expand your portfolio of investments, aluminum is a good choice. This material is very valuable and it can be recycled endlessly, so you’re basically investing in an environmentally-friendly product.
7. Copper
This is one of the most underrated metals out there. Although it has a lower value in comparison with gold and silver, copper is widely used in the electricity industry. This is a metal that can be easily drawn into wires and it has been used for centuries for various applications.
For example, copper is a great conductor of electricity and heat. Most electronic components in your house contain copper wires. Since the technology and electronics industries are expanding continuously, the demand for copper is increasing every day.
China and Peru are the biggest copper producers in the world. Investing in copper is a safe bet and it will help you round up your yearly revenues. This metal is not only used in the electrical industry but also medicine and supplementation industries.
That’s because our bodies use small amounts of copper for efficient energy production. Without enough copper, you might become anemic and develop different types of diseases. That’s why supplements with copper are sold worldwide and they are a staple in a healthy person’s diet.
Now You Know What Are the Best Precious Metal to Invest In
Hopefully, this article provided you with a great deal of insight when it comes to the best precious metal to invest in. Remember that investing in these metals requires a bit of technical knowledge, so it’s recommended to consult with specialists in the precious metal industry.
You can find a great deal of information from internet forums and blogs. You can also take investment courses or learn from experts who have already invested in these metals. Best of all, you don’t have to do a lot of work. You just invest wisely, sit back, and see how your profits increase over the years.
For more information on how to invest your money in precious metals and when is the best time to do so, make sure that you check out the other articles on our website.